
CRank: 5Score: 12590

This game is just brute forcing the new hardware, not making use of it. This is designed for last gen.
In this genre there is nothing wrong with 30 fps. Of course 60 would be better, but if it's rock solid 30 with no input lag, then the lack of 60 not taking away the immersion. Anybody who skipped this game last gen should go and buy it. It is nominated for GOTY for a reason.

3903d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's Uncharted. "Greatness from small beginnings."
Francis Drake.

3967d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

There are a lot of people who are disturbed by this news.
Let's see what's going to happen.

1. You got internet: Buy PS4, bring it home, hook it up, update.
2. You don't got internet: Buy PS4, bring it home, hook it up, put your game disc in, update.

If you don't buy any game disc, then I assume you're buying everything digitally which means you got internet at home.

If everything else fails: Download the u...

3986d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The author is an idiot. He knows something about hardware, but know nothing about software developement. BF4 is a quick port from PC to consoloes. That's why the performance struggle. The new consoles are x86 too, but they are heavily costumized. When they start a game developement with all platfroms in mind, and write the code specifficaly for every system, than we're going to get our 1080p/60fps.
PC gaming is about hardware performance. Console gaming is abuot clever softwar...

4048d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment