
CRank: 8Score: 19930

Please stop comparing this to Uncharted. UC1 had an 88 metascore foundation going onto UC2. It was already a fantastic game and they simply improved upon that.

This piece of hot garbage is nowhere near the mastery of UC1 and to associate it with it is a gross over estimation of what The Order is offering gamers currently.

Also, R@D misrepresented The Order, nowhere did they say that 45% of the game would be qte/cutscenes. Yes we expected it to be cinematic,...

3404d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

The truth is everybody here would agree with you if a certain exclusive that exemplifies flash over substance hadn't just released to a flurry of bad reviews.

Unfortunately the majority of the N4G fan base is in uber defense mode so the truth of your comment will largely be ignored and possibly challenged.

People around here have an unnaturally deep affinity for brands and all associated with those brands and will abandon all reason and sound logic to d...

3404d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

So you are bitching that instead of making their core studios work on Hololens, they decided to create 3 new studios so as to not take focus away from core games?

Is that the gist of it here? It's bad that they are working on Hololens with studios that did not have any Xbox One games...Okay, got it.

3404d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Reviews are fine as long as they are dishing out acclaim to Naughty Dog and Media Molecule. As soon as they step out of line then it's corrupt media and "real gamers don't need reviews!"

You can't have it both ways, you cannot drum on about the 300 goty awards that TLOU got and then turn around and accuse the very same media that dished out those awards for being rabid and inconsistent.

Plenty of games get low review scores, metacritic i...

3404d ago 39 agree28 disagreeView comment

Uncharted 1 was no 66 metacritic game. Why do you people cling on so hard? I mean any old lame new IP can be the next Uncharted 2 if The Order is in the running. Why not Knack 2 then? Why not Ryse 2 be the next AC2/UC2?

Why is it you believe this hot garbage can succeed where countless other new IP's have failed? What makes this game so special? UC1 was an 88 metascore game so already the foundation was fantastic.
This B grade movie is 20 odd points south of tha...

3404d ago 6 agree12 disagreeView comment

This pleases me. Games with bare minimum content should not be rewarded with praise simply because they are pretty.

If PS fans want to shell out their cash and reward lazy devs for yet another mediocre exclusive game with shiny graphics then let them. As long as the media sends out a very loud message that games are not evolving by simply becoming pretty quasi-interactive movies.

Pretty graphics and great gameplay are not mutually exclusive but it is plain to...

3404d ago 33 agree15 disagreeView comment

And so it begins. Expect at least 20 Order articles from DS per day trying to convince us that it is so purdy and that's all that matters!

3405d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

Meh. F2P makes it even meher!

3415d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow, has it really been 7 years since IV dropped? Capcom sure do know how to milk a single game. Heck even SF5 is looking more like 4.5...or is that IV.v?

3416d ago 9 agree32 disagreeView comment

You are going to wait until it is no longer free for you to upgrade to Windows 10? Unless you are currently using XP, I see very little wisdom in that.

3416d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

No that probably has more to do with the fact that they have lost 10 billion dollars in 8 years, sold off 2 headquarters, closed down at least 30 stores, shut down factories, cut over 10 thousand jobs, shut down studios, sold of businesses (PC) and spun off Bravia.

But you are right, what crisis right? Them selling SoE was a sign of great things to come.

3417d ago 24 agree11 disagreeView comment

You nostalgic Spyro and Crash fanboys can suck rope and get over it. Sony cannot afford to get these franchises back

3419d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

“We are not in the business of providing press release regurgitation, trailer-based marketing for big-budget games or previews based on carefully scripted PR events,” said Gilbert, “the goal at Joystiq X Engadget is to cover the intersection of life and games. - So the anti-dualshockers then?

3420d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Very interesting article coming from a former Sony Online Entertainment employee.

From the article - " PlayStation fanboys do not want to accept it, but Sony Corp isn’t doing to well outside of the console business. They’re bleeding money. They recently sold off their PC division, and the pressure is on Kaz Hirai to stop the bleeding anyway he can. That’s why there’ve been so many rumors of them selling off the film division…and the recent hack didn’t strengthen Sony’s...

3421d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Shareplay is publisher optional right? Then EA are well within their rights if this is truly the case and not a temporary error.

3421d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

We will destroy you...not sure I have heard Ermac utter those words.

If they announce Noob and Smoke (separately) I will be happy never to buy another fighting game this gen!

3426d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Besides Subzero,who else has returned from the grave?

3426d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh ma gaaawwwd!! Yes yes yes!! The Ermacs and his telekenisis is my shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!

wait a minute ...

Tell me Noob and Smoke are coming back too. I mean everybody knows Mortal Kombat is awesome for 3 things:
1. Awesome special moves and fatalities
2. Kick ass story and lore.
3. Ninjas! Gotta have the 6 ninjas! (Rain, Chameleon and Tremor can go suck rope. )...

3426d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nice call there buddy!
I am psyched about Ermac!
The Ermacs is my shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii *explodes*

3426d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

=D Nooice!!

3427d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment