
CRank: 5Score: 1250

On the Playstation blog it stated very clearly that:

Dark Void is not available in Germany.

Hence your problem. Probably some kind of ratings problem...

5368d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol, I had LOTS of fights with my parents as a kid with the C64 about spending too much time on it. They used to lock away the games (but I found a way to pry open the lock, hehe). Using a timer as subject of a negotiation is a way to avoid open conflict. But you don't need a silly device that cuts off power for that. You just need a watch and, as a final ultimatum, a parents finger on the switch.

But hey - if we couldn't make money off of bad parents, half the economy would be ...

5562d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Actually, for the longest time, I thought that Nathan WAS the voice and motion-capture actor of Drake. The character that Nathan plays in Firefly and Serenity are SO like Drake, that you should think they modelled him after it.

5562d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah, i realised that it didn't do stereoscopics, but mapped depth via infrared luminance. So in effect, it bathes the room in it's own infrared light, then measures how bright everything is with the infrared camera. The brighter the pixel, the closer it translates. That's the secret of Natal, everything else is just software based and clever programming. Pretty clever programming, actually :)

5584d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm a sony fanboy, but I'm also fairly experienced in 3D, cameras and optics. natal has hardware that surpasses the PS Eye: Two cameras and infrared. It can SEE depth with the 2 cameras (just like your eyes), and track faces and hands with the infrared cam.

Imagine if MS added a magic wand like Sony's to it and BAM - instant ownage on accuracy! There is much more potential to the Natal than the PS eye & wands in the long run, because of the stereo-cams and infrared. Whats don...

5584d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

These guys did fantastic work with the models! We fell in love with the original Alyx though, and can't replace her with anything but her own low-rez sexy assss :D

5631d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I upgraded 3 harddrives in different PS3's, and I honestly didn't have any problem unscrewing the screws. I dunno, maybe I was just brought up to operate screwdrivers differently from the average gamer... But cool if Sony accommodates those who manage to break the screws and send them new ones for free!

5674d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why would you want an extra HD-bay, when you have one in the PS3 already? If you want to change the harddrive you could just as well use the one you have, than wait for Sony to send you one, spending money that could be used on game-dev or cheaper consoles! And I think you have to extraordinary clumsy to break something simple as a screw or HD-bay to need a replacement...

5674d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Viral marketing for Final fantasy. No other game would go to such lengths and be allowed by sony to do so.

if u have other games in mind, post em!

5691d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's exactly why i got out of online gaming years ago. There's absolutely no room for casual play, and the tone is really harsh. If you aren't an autistic 12 yo boy with 1337 skill and a bad mood, online gaming won't appeal to you it seems...

5694d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

This technology is incredibly old. I think they are uding polariced glasses and reversed polarized double LCD-screens for the effect (2 screens, half-mirror etc.). You can make such a screen youself without too much trouble. Maybe they went ahead and improved the concept a bit, but still. I also remember the first Unreal game - I had some 3D goggles for that as well (screen had to go at double refresh rate and the goggles would flicker at half that).

What's really new in this tec...

5732d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Tech like this requires the TV to run at least at 120hz (60hz for each eye to make the 3D effect). Anything lower and you'll get instant headache from the flickering. How many TV's support 120 frames/seconds 1080p HDMI input, let alone 120hz display of such a signal?? Is that even inside the HDMI1.3 specification?

See, the problem isn't getting the hardware to output such a signal - it's for the TV's to actually display it, and my guess is that only a very select few sets would b...

5754d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Couldn't have said it better myself!

5842d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The biggest clue to what happens to you after death is easy: Dig up some dead guy in the cemetary. Check his brains. Imagine that is you lying there. Imagine how you would feel. (I can tell you that it's a lot like what you feel like if you pass out completely and don't recall what happened in the hours you were unconcious)

THAT is the best clue we have, so why no believe that? It's even quite believable! IF you want to make up stuff, I'd rather believe that I'll wake up in an al...

5842d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

And what if God was part of a simulator for even greater beings? etc. etc. That all leads to the conclusion that only you yourself exist, and in that case, the question of simulations, brains in a jar, and every question involving the world around you, makes no sense. And nonsensical questions shouldn't be asked.

Also, looking down on people for their religious views is a bad thing. But looking down on people for their obvious imbecility, ignorance and stupidity is a "God Gi...

5842d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Fantastic video! Well executed and really funny :) And it makes perfect sense too, sadly

5861d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My US store hasn't been updated yet, don't know where they are looking to find this

5951d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I mean, just the way the character runs around on the screen! It's hillarious! Hillariously horrible too, but still kinda funny in a "OMG, this is sooo bad" kinda way :-)

5989d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The true market of blu-ray movies IS very small.

Most PS3's are owned by people (young boys) who has no intentions of using it to play movies. They don't have money to buy movies anyway, and if they did, they'd be buying games instead.

That is a very real problem for the Blu-ray market, but any sensible marketing office would look into how many PS3 owners plan on using blu-ray movies. And as such they know perfectly well how the market looks. Installed base is just t...

5993d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

Either the PS3 really DOES heat up real quick when you put it upside-down, or there is a accelerometer inside the PS3 (like in digicams) that tells it which way is up.

And as heating and hot air goes, I seriously doubt that flipping the PS3 180 degrees will cause it to overheat so rapidly...

So there must be an accelerometer inside it that checks which way is up. And if the vented side is down, it goes into panic-mode and fires up the fans to avoid too much overheati...

6002d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment