
CRank: 5Score: 100090

we're all true gamers at heart otherwise you wouldnt see ps3 owners commenting on 360 news and vice the end of the day this is all fun...why cant we prefer a certain console and defend it solely..this is fun...this is what the console wars is about...its like us arguing which basketball team is may think one team is better i may think another team is better but we both know we enjoy basketball...i understand people can get annoyed by the arguments but get over it...thi...

6055d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

i honestly think one of the many mistakes microsoft made was taking one mediocre game like halo and hyping the unbelievable crap out of it and convinced everyone that it was the one and only best game was a smart move obviously cuz if they didnt do that they wouldnt be where they're at...i believe gears of war is the next game that will get the same amount of in all honesty i think gears is a great game...not the best...i dont think the story is great and the main characte...

6055d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

that was meant to timmyrulz by the way...hes mad

6061d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wow you're mad!

6061d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

like halo right?

6068d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well Mart and all the other 360 fiends out there are real proud that they have rumble right out of the box..i mean thats pretty impressive i must really im happy for you its like definitely something that you should be proud of

6078d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

offtopic- yes i do miss those much so that i purchased the seasons of it...can never get enough of POWDERRRRED TOOOOASTMAAAAN

6085d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

^^^^^^ XGAMER

6085d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

wow that looks excitement for this game just went up another couple personally i love games that have a cinematic feel to them with great story, characters, voice acting, the whole 9...and with such amazing facial animations like these and those of heavenly sword and uncharted drakes makes the game an experience and thats what i love playing games for...the experience...and fortunately for me the only place i can experience them is on ps3

6087d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

lookin good i must say...really looking forward to what team ico has in store for this game...the screenshot looks reminiscent of the art style of heavenly sword...its creative and unique games like these that make me happy i own a ps3

6087d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

waay off topic but...RIP Heath Ledger...

6089d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

if i was paying $50 a year for xbox live...i would hope that i get a sh*t load to download and would hope to get demos and what not first...remember psn is free so in a sorta messed up kinda way its like "oh their service is free they can wait" which i dont mind cuz i really could care less as long as i know im getting the demo but i think thats something people dont understand...all i know is...if im paying 50 a year i better be able to download movies games trailers demos the whol...

6094d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yo mart...not enough 360 games to play that you are constantly flamin on ps3 news...did you run out of sOoOoOo many AAA titles that your 360 the way the majority of which are least sony has plans for the future...looks towards the future not only the present which is why 2008 and beyond is all sony...yes we are waiting...but at least we have sh*t to look forward...what do you got?...its ok i'll wait.............

6133d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

game looks incredible...i just hope the gameplay is varied in certain missions...maybe have some sort of sneaking element in one...just sniping in another..basically kinda like how cod4's gameplay was varied...i have no doubt that this game will be great but i just hope the gameplay wont be so simple and shoot kill checkpoint cutscene...cough halo 3 cough...but these are definitely jizzworthy screenshots

6139d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

been looking forward to this expansion and holy sh*t does it look crazy...this game is just going to keep getting better and better because there is sooo much pontential for it and we're not talking about 1 or 2 maps and thats it...imagine the other possibilities..woo! its gonna be a whole new war in jizzing already!

6143d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i've had a question thats been on my mind for quite sometime now and i feel like i should ask all seriousness...this is to 360 owners here...well...the ones who constantly foam out the mouth on this its pretty obvious that you guys believe there are no good games on the ps3 but what im curious to know is...why are you guys looking for one game to justify the purchase of a ps3?? think about it...ONE GAME...why do you want to own a system because one game is do...

6146d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment


6164d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

now thats what im talkin about...very gifted studio IW is...this is how allll multiplatform games should be made..with no lead platform so that way all versions will be identical and amazing...COD4 is truly an amazingly beautiful and ridiculusly fun game definitely worth the purchase...cant wait to get back on it...once im outta work :(

6165d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

2008 really cannot come any sooner...mgs has to be one of the greatest franchises in game history...thinking about how the game will end gives me the chills..2008 lets do it!!

6181d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


6181d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment