
CRank: 6Score: 24890

Hate to sound like a downer, but don't you mean GeoW2 better step it's game up to compete with KZ2? KZ2 visually looks like it's ahead of the pack ten fold. On the contrary I agree, Resistance 2 really does need to prove its self.

5981d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

There's 15 minutes of footage for Killzone 2 which was presented on PlaystationDay.

5981d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Trolling PS3 news? This doesn't make you look like an ignorant fanboy. No, not at all..

I also proved that the Smear article was false. Look at my last post, I do comparison photos. Really are people that ignorant these days.

So what if people agree with my views? Your trying to personally attack me because I proved that article was false? Wouldn't you say that's backward logic?

5981d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Damn. I rarely say this but you got Pwned. Sorry for being harsh Bladestar.

5981d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bladestar, your calculations assume at the current rate. That's not very accurate, not even estimating, sales fluctuate drastically at times. Suppose Sony's big games are arriving soon, I suspect the 5 million console gap to be coming to a close sooner than later.

5981d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Pic 1 is screen shot in question

Pic 2 is actual screen shot

The pics were taken while the motion blur was active. It's not that Gears of War is hiding detail it's just the motion blur. You guys can just go right along and report this story as a false claim.

5981d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's a pretty hard mistake to do. Some could say they went.. Out of there way to do it?

5981d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm sure GG and Sony would find that a highly regarded compliment.

5981d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Killzone 2 is now owned by Sony and has a crew over almost 150 give or take. Your comparing apples and oranges, if you think that Killzone 2 is a lament mediocre successor of the first then I'm sure your gonna be surprised when it launchs.

5981d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow... Obviously you didn't understand my statement what so ever.

I was talking about how they're hating on Gears of War.

Reading comprehension -1.

5981d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ Jason 360

I can comment where ever I please, and why would I be banned from the Gamer Zone? I didn't attack anyone there nor here. You really need to calm down.

Although I am beginning to believe DomUltra is right about you. Acting like a borderline psychotic won't get me to agree with you.

5981d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Squids were in the first Gears of War. Everything else your saying sounds pretty incriminating, because the trailer did not show what they promised, BUT, it is still early in development. There's still many more videos to come.

Squids - who knows how long they idea was in development for. Fact is it's irrelevant.

5982d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, this is... Shocking. They should have made an apology and not tried to pull this crap. Damage control of this caliber is dirty business.

5982d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't wanna be here when the open zone breaks out into a war.

5982d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ugh.. Fanboys.

5982d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

To be honest this just seems like a smear campaign (no pun intended).

5982d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd agree that Killzone 2 looks like CGI. Thursday's gameplay video from PlaystationDay shows us how far technology has come, and how blatantly impressive it is. Killzone 2 is ground breaking.

5982d ago 14 agree2 disagreeView comment

The Xbox 360 closely resembles PC architecture. To say the Xbox 360 might be nearing its max isn't unthinkable, it's a very realistic belief, possibly even true.

Gears of War 2 and Killzone 2 are arguably trying to achieve the same gritty war like atmosphere. As it stands right now Killzone 2 is in front. I'm telling it like it is, watch the videos most of them are available at 960x540 resolution (or something of that nature). Gears of War 2 is very, very impressive, while Killzo...

5982d ago 13 agree4 disagreeView comment

Jason 360, you really do seem uneducated when comparing old 2007 footage of Killzone 2, to Gears of War 2 footage released yesterday. Do us a favor, if your going to properly do a comparison, leave both pictures of Gears of War 2 there and upload the new Killzone 2 game play videos/screen shots from two days ago.

*A Tip: Spinning facts does not make you look smarter, it only makes you look like you tried harder.

Just as bad as Kaz in my opinion.

5982d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Wow, both of you just stop acting like kids.

5982d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment