
CRank: 10Score: 20270

they just want the clicks but mainly the notoriety. they get more followers and unique hits per month. if that's what they get out of it for being the first to announce something, they will Bulldog thru anyone to get that. it's all about clicks and egos.

3395d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Please dude. That's just a sad excuse as an example. LOL. I"m sure he's a lot smarter and can come up with a better analogy than that. #35 breaks it down for you and how long have you been truly gaming? And don't you dare say original PlayStation cause if that's the case this conversation is over. So no one got owned and your comment just shows how childish your are. LOL. Try Again

4583d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I agree. Exactly what I was trying to say and then some.

4584d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Really? Are you comparing the logistics of food to games? LOL

4584d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

WOW! Some of you guys are harsh. Sounds like most of you guys are complaining that just because the content is on the disc that you're entitled to it for free, but if this hack as never found or in another instance this content was actual DLC that you had to download more than half of everyone in here wouldn't be complaining. Maybe you need to take in consideration that this might be planned DLC and the developer wanted it on the disc to save money on paying to the console manufacture...

4584d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

I'm not gonna be like most and say Battlefield 3 is better cause some who never played Modern Warfare series or Battlefield 3 wont know the difference. They may like one or the other or find both pleasantly enjoyable. I on the other hand like both franchises but find Battlefield 3 a nice change for my enjoyment. It brings a little something different to the table. I'm stoked to see what Ubisoft is gonna do with the next installment of Rainbow 6. The tech demo looks promising. Does any...

4694d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Then don't watch, problem solved.

4986d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

images are now higher HQ now. no more crappy cheap look

5212d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I remember a long time ago before i got my xbox360 how i said i would only be buying exclusives and games friends of mine had. Now you know why. Cause i saw this coming back then. Microsoft is slowly killing themselves.

Even though SONY's console is hard to develop for and not every Dev looks at it like they do Microsoft's xbox360, SONY always looks to the hardcore and casual no matter what and has never abandoned either or.

Microsoft is doing wha...

5213d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

whatever happened to constructive criticism? anytime some posts something from this site or from the author you always come on N4G blaz'n saying how this site don't know how to spell it's name. you always seem to try to get that in somehow. well i guess you just got school'd by UserThree cause it looks like he did his homework. you failed. schools out.........


I agree. If K-Butler show up it's a rap. Word up

5232d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

i never use the M60 anyways.

5238d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

people spell names different all the time like smell my nizzles. i bet you know what that means huh?

5243d ago 2 agree12 disagreeView comment

learn about the website, what it means, what it's about and the background of why the site named it GUERRILLA with the R then maybe we can get to the general information and talk about something useful instead of assuming the site misspelled. there are lots of other sites that spelled GUERILLA without the R. maybe it means something, maybe they wanted to take part of what GUERILLA means and make it there own. you can still pronounce it guerrilla. being spelled guerilla just means there...

5243d ago 3 agree14 disagreeView comment

Guerilla was spelled like that for a reason you twat.

5243d ago 10 agree25 disagreeView comment

i feel you on that. i've purchase a few things from playstation home, but now don't see no point in it when really i'm not on it that much. only to see the new spaces they add and that's it.

5518d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You maybe right about it being exclusive, but it sounds like it's a timed exclusive and that might be a reason it wasn't shown at SONYs Press Conference. Don't hate. It's just a game. lol

5590d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

games are games may they be japanese or american. a true gamer knows that. just buy the english version

5613d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

nice post. that's all this post is saying(test beta demo).i own both consoles and like them for there own reasons. i will be getting the PS3 version of FFXIII just cause i have every FF game on Playstation. looking forward to this game and i have the Japanese demo from the FF: Advent Children Blu-ray. if you don't have it you can purchase it from lucky i have contacts in tokyo that come through for me. you guys have a good day.

5613d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

just cause a developer isn't coding the full retail game until PS3 version is done don't mean they can't code a demo. the game is more than 50% done which means they can make a demo from any part of that completed 50%. a demo can be made at anytime as long as there is enough content. this post is just saying is there going to be a demo. it's not saying there is going to be a demo and a xbox360 demo is very possible at E3. know how to make and code games before you post a dumb comment like tha...

5613d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment