
CRank: 5Score: 8780

I can't breathe! Will soon be engulfed... IN FLAME.

5851d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

AAAAAAGH! Get another petition together, quick!!!

5857d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It still helps. It's free. It's a choice, so it's not forced. How is this a failure?

5859d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

The beauty of the 360 OPTIONAL installs means that it will give gamers the options to decrease load times (especially on older games, which SOME PEOPLE still play), and reduce issues like pop-in. GTA IV will probably run just as good on the 360 now.
Also, the 360 versions of games are optimized to their best so that they have shorter load times without having to install. This is just an extra push for it. The PS3 versions with mandatory installs are programmed with the idea of installs...

5859d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

I'm glad my older games will load faster, and at least it will still help my new games' load times somewhat, and even reduce pop in! Also, less of a chance of damage to the discs! This is good news.

5859d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

What is Piccolo wearing?! BLACK?! None of this makes sense. It's like they're trying to make Dragonball "more realistic". IT'S DRAGONBALL. 7 magical balls that grant wishes... People shoot energy from their hands and people have wierd ass hair! Gah!
I officially don't want to see this.

5865d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Think about it. Molyneux is always looking for perfection and certain outstanding qualities in his games (even if he falls short). He even said Fable didn't come CLOSE to his expectations, but this one is much much closer to his perfect game.
I'm pretty sure Molyneux's perfect 10/10 game extends the size of your penis, removes blemishes, and adds your phone number to Scarlet Johansons's contacts list.

5866d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's interesting that you say that PSN is STEALING games from XBLA. It's not STEALING. They weren't exclusives. They just came to XBLA first, is all. Games cost too much nowadays to be exclusive, which is why FFXIII went to the 360 too. Microsoft didn't pay them (the president of Square Enix confirmed this), they just saw a large potential market, and with multimillion dollar games, they need bigger sales.
I personally think gamers should be HAPPY that other gamers get to experience gre...

5868d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is going to rock out loud. However, the QUALITY OF THIS VIDEO ALMOST TAINTS IT! It's so hard to watch! GAAAH.
But boy, it it ever awesome.

5868d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well... considering how long it took them to make the first one...
Tee hee!

5868d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's always funny when fanboy's use the term fanboy (or in your case, "fanboi"). How are these places supposed to be considered communities unless we, the residents, can at least be civil with each other? People like you exist solely in these places to badmouth other consoles and praise your own, when each has it's own set of strengths and weaknesses. You don't deserve to be here.

5869d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

While I loved the first one, at the same time I did get bored with it. Shoot shoot, strafe strafe, blow up buildings, repeat. There's just not a whole lot of story or much to do...
I may still get this one though. I love the commercial so goddamn much!

"I will get my vengance! They will never end this mayhem!"

5870d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, could you imagine? Apple is doing so well right now, and when Steve Jobs left the company last time they fell into chaos. He has all of the ideas and the know-how. If he really did die, there would be no more iPods, iMacs, iBalls, iRapes, iWHATEVERS!

Sad days.

Oh, what does it matter? He's fine.

5870d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

All 360 games have achievements. In fact, with the Fall Update, there will also be "medals" assigned to achievements. Don't think of them as "trophies", per se. They're more like visual representations of achievements that will show with your gamercard. I'm sure Gears 2 will have them, since they're one of Microsoft's flagship titles.

5874d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

There was a lot of rumor going around that the new update was coming out in September. This is just to confirm that it's not.

5874d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Home, though a good idea in theory, many not execute nearly as well as Sony hopes. Plus, the party system pales in comparison to what Xbox Live does.

And I would rather have Gears 2, exclusive Fallout 3 content, more GTA IV content, Fable 2, Left 4 Dead, Age of Conan, and many others than Resistance 2, LBP, and Socom.

By the way, I think the PS3 is a great machine, and Sony is trying their best. But they've fallen fairly short. ::Sigh::

5874d ago 18 agree7 disagreeView comment


5874d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


5876d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I bought it and it did nothing but break on me. :(
But deep down I could see it's potential.
I'm glad someone enjoyed it.

5876d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This IS bullshit. The original article that discussed the motion controller bundled SKU stated it wouldn't be launched until later in the year. It was clearly designated as a future upgrade to the Arcade pack, but didn't say it was coming out September 7th with the price drop.
So even IF there is a "motion-controlled" bundle, it won't ship in September.

5876d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment