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Theres no power greater than X!

1596d ago 1 agree12 disagreeView comment

"console" If it weren't for Nintendo killing off the DS market with switch and switch lite they would of gone the way of sega, switch is a nice little handheld, but as a home console it leaves tons to be desired. Smoke and mirrors at its best here.

1597d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment

Geoff Keighley another corporate stooge, he tried to put over that god awful death stranding games as the greatest thing since sliced bread. I dont need people telling me what my eyes see, and so far these next gen games are not impressive at all, when the ps360 era was ending and games were shown you could tell those were next gen.

1597d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

All uncle phil has to do to win E3 is walk up to the stage and say 399.99 and nothing sony will do can steal that thunder, microsoft can lose billions and still be in the trillions, i dont think sony can do that. All hands on deck, this could be microsoft last try to overtake sony, Xbox chased Nintendo from the dedicated home console market and with a cheap price on series X they will do the same to sony.

1597d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Bloodstained is, rogue legacy. I find Hollow Knight repetitive, uninspired and boring.

1597d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Lets give them credit, they have the great forza franchise and a top notch up there with sonys top developers in playground games, im very very interested in what they are developing.

1597d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If series X is 399.99 then it will be day 1 for me, 360 lost them a ton of money, but they were competitive, this will be a smart move and i will complement phil Spencer if he can pull this off.

1598d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

My base ps4 can run this, maybe even 360 and ps3.

1598d ago 33 agree37 disagreeView comment

Day one for everyone, im buying 30 xbox series x because why not, its the internet i can say anything without showing proof.

1598d ago 37 agree45 disagreeView comment

Who cares, them games were nothing special.

1598d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Back to these fluff pieces on why xbox is the best thing ever, even in failure. Next will be many doom and gloom playstation articles, after that more of phil and his smiling and boasting about nothing.

1598d ago 18 agree13 disagreeView comment

Same thing ive been saying also for years, i played pc's that do 12 tf's and what takes all the head room is 4k resolution and raytracing. the games don't look all that better than what we playing today.

1598d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

ray tracing ain't nothing special bro, i seen many games in 4k and screen shots comparing on and off and its nothing really special, if thats what your putting all of next gens stock in then youre in for a rude awakening.

1598d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

If xbox and microsoft would put as much effort in their 1st party software as they do talking and putting themselves over and paying sites like forbes to bash playstation they might not be getting killed in the hardware race by playstation. Show us some games, quit talking out your arses, it got old 5 years ago.

1598d ago 12 agree4 disagreeView comment

Its all smoke and mirrors, phil brainwashed them, exclusives dont matter, sony and nintendo aren't competition and the rest of the BS phil feeds them. I love the xbox brand, but phil is a terrible leader.

1598d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Xbox Series X Is Looking Like The New Home For Horror Games. Boy what sites do for cheap hits. He got all that from one show.

1598d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your post are all pro microsoft, no one takes anything you say serious bro.

1598d ago 32 agree19 disagreeView comment

If some one has to tell you something's gonna be great and awesome, be prepared to be underwhelmed, talk is cheap, sick of these lying corporate stooges trying to tell us whats great. Show us dont tell us.

1598d ago 17 agree2 disagreeView comment

Big deal, SHOW US WHAT XBOX GAMES STUDIOS IS WORKING ON, sony most likely has double that working on games for ps5.

1599d ago 29 agree30 disagreeView comment

Talk talk talk talk... ad nauseum. They can have 100TF and they will find a way to mess that up. It takes major money to get the quality of exclusives ps4 has. Xbox has not show us they are willing to spend money to make must have exclusives, the depend on 3rd parties, you cant depend on 3rd parties because their games aren't exclusive. Besides forza 95% of xbox made games are cheap unreal engine games.

1599d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment