
CRank: 5Score: 6470


I believe he did explain why he is against the very idea. He said he cannot do it because he looks at the product as an unfinished product.

And I completely agree with him, I have only purchased 1 DLC which was the map pack for COD4 but that was only because I knew I was getting my moneys worth.

This is the problem with the gaming industry, is the fan base is just a bunch of sheeps. DLC should either be free (like it use to be, wh...

4848d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I know I will, I almost prefer older shooter mechanics as opposed to the "newer" ones. Even if it was a Duke Nukem remake with updated graphics I'd like it.

Oh the good ol' days...damn, I'm getting old...

4929d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A venom spin off would be cool. I still think they need to bring Carnage to the big screen, he's basically Spider-Man's Joker, very sick and sadistic. And if they could cast the character with a Heath Ledger caliber actor it'd make for an awesome movie.

4941d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"released Killzone 2 about two years ago and the expectations were immense; graphically and control wise." You troll on my review and not only did you literally gave all 10's but you basically say the controls were great in Killzone 2? They were HORRIBLE, absolutely horrible.

If Killzone 3 takes away from Killzone 2's MP and you still give it a 10? That makes no sense and contradicts yourself my friend. Killzone 3 is a great game without a doubt, but to give...

4950d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Really? I think I spoke just about as many cons as I did pros, I apologize if I did sound like a fanboy it was surely not my intent.

I actually hated Killzone 2 with a passion, let me know how I came off as a fanboy and I'll try to either reword it or fix it or work on it in my next review.

4952d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sure, you're right. But most of the "user" reviews praise the game as if it's perfect and Killzone 3 simply does not deserve a 10. There's just too many issues that to me can't be accepted under the standards of gaming today.

4952d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thanks, appreciate the feedback!

4953d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah the sharp shooter is NOT better than just the move although it feels much more comfortable it's not as good for one reason:

With just the Move and Nav controller, you can make slight adjustments by turning your wrist ala mouse and is very accurate.

With sharp shooter, although it feels awesome and realistic, you must turn your entire upper body to make adjustments which is obviously less accurate and also takes more time to line up shots.

4954d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You can get over 50 kills, it's called warzone. There's always at least 2-4 people (Usually including me) that gets over 70 kills a game.

The most I've seen has been 115 kills.

On topic:
I always play tactician, so cloaked snipers don't bother me, they light up a nice circle with an X so I can pick them off.
If they're jerks, after I kill them I camp out there camp spot and kill them each time they go back to it.

4967d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think this is the most excited I've been for a peripheral, it looks awesome. KZ3 SP will be with DS3, but MP will probably be with the sharpshooter =D

4972d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Most of you guys are blind fanboys, it's his opinion and experience of the game, every single one of you who said he was wrong is simply ignorant in the fact they can't separate fact from opinion.

To the "COD made you soft" etc. I'm good at COD, and I'm good at KZ3, now what? lol Yes I'm a COD player (Excluding BO and WAW) and I'll own you on COD and on KZ2 or KZ3 open beta. A matter of fact, I'm a COD player who has a better K/D ratio on...

4972d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

but you have to admit, it looks more like Killzone in that gameplay video vs Resistance. Look at some screen shots of that video with KZ and then look at past Resistance titles.

4975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

awesomeperson I have a feeling you're a hypocrite. What if they rate it down "by a massive point" (which is like what, .5-1 point? lmao) JUST because of the MP sucking.

The story is part of the equation. Most of the reviews say the story takes away from the SP experience, which is different than just having a bad story.

And how do you know how long the game is? If you've played it, please make a review of it yourself for others to read.

4977d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

lol @ all the disagrees

I'm just saying, you guys are like a bunch of paranoid conspiracy theorists when it's common sense their not bashing the game nor am I. The problem with the whole "I think they should of gave it at least a 9 if the story was the only problem" is OPINION and would not be very professional.

Which is why we should NOT have a numerical system on game reviews, because fanboys take them to heart because they need high score...

4978d ago 4 agree14 disagreeView comment

I loved the brutal melee at first but yeah, it over stays it's welcome quickly. Especially since there seems to be a CODesque lunge with it sometimes.

And I wish I was recording this, but an ally and myself vs 2 enemies all brutal melee'd at the same time apparently and we all got stuck in the 3rd person view but none of us died, we all got stuck until grenade spam wiped us all out.

It's was kind of funny and a big WTF moment.

4978d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

lol @ alpha

Not doing it right? I'd hope anyone playing a FPS knows how to aim whether it be ACOG sights, iron sights, etc.

I also have this issue from time to time with any gun, it seems like the bullets don't register sometimes and sometimes they're sporadic as in the you aim the first shot, pop one off and instead of going straight it goes off to the side like recoil but happens when you pop off one shot.

It's not frequent ...

4978d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If that was the case I think the score would be lower, I think they are basing it off the "WHOLE" game or else it'd probably be a 5 since most people across the board say the story is horrible.

Like I've said before, Killzone is like a B-Movie, I don't come for the story. So it shouldn't be a big issue, if they gave the game a 10 across the board but bashed the entire game in the written portion you guys would be ok with it...grow up.

4978d ago 4 agree39 disagreeView comment

The funny thing here is, with all you guys complaining, crying, and accusing if they gave it a 10/10 but complained about how bad the entire game was you guys probably wouldn't care.

It's been across the board the story in SP is so bad it brings down the score. Which I'm fine with that, Killzone to me is like a B-Movie, I don't go for the story, I go for the eye candy.

...and MP

4979d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Simple minded people can't understand that maybe they meant Move works wonderfully in terms of aiming but not so much with a couple gestures?

Is that really hard to understand?

4979d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Anyone else getting super SLOW downloads? 44 minutes for 800MB is a little ridiculous...11 minutes left...Let's hope the actual install goes a little quicker.

4979d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment