CRank: 5Score: 14740

Not running at 1080p/60fps on an XBOX ONE X is quite sad... This game isn't my type anyway...

2071d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Top console zelda games:
1) Ocarina of time (Near perfect for its time)
2) Majoras Mask - 9.5
3) A link to the past - 9.5
4) Breath of the wild - 9.2
5) Wind Waker - 9
6) The Legend of Zelda - 9
7) Twilight Princess - 8.7
8) Skyward Sword - 8.4
9) Zelda II: The Adventure of link - 8

2168d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

One of the most underrated open-world games ever made this generation. Too bad insomniac decided not too make it multi platform.

2232d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

anyone who has played sunset overdrive should well know that spider man will more than exceed expectations...Insomniac has experience with great open world design and traversal.

2235d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I absolutely adore God of war, but my favorite ps4 exclusives are still bloodborne (my all time favorite), and uncharted 4. God of War is a close third.

2243d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

My top PS4 exclusive and PS4 console exclusive games (includes remakes but NOT remasters)
1)Bloodborne + old hunters
2)Uncharted 4
3)God of War
4)Last Guardian
5) Shadow of the Colossus remake (the original is prob one of my top 5 games of all time, this is THE BEST remake ever made, but its not higher, since I've experienced this before in 2005)
6) Nier Automata
7) Nioh
8) Horizon Zero Dawn (tied)
8) Un...

2321d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

GOW imo is a solid 4.5/5. I can't quite call it a perfect game, but it is one of the top 5 ps4 games EASILY.
I Still think bloodborne and uncharted 4 are SLIGHTLY better (bloodborne+old hunters being my favorite)..

2327d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

I, personally, can't wait for this game...but you cant really say its one of the best games ever made, when it hasn't even been released yet.

2349d ago 9 agree45 disagreeView comment

steamworld dig 2, and celeste are better experienced on the switch

2353d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had a similar feeling when playing BOTW, and mario oddysey on a handheld.

2353d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I made a list including BOTH "PS4 only" and "PS4 console exclusive" games:
BTW, none of those are available on XBOX or Nintendo...

2353d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Right...I made a list including BOTH "PS4 only" and "PS4 console exclusive" games:
there are still a some I haven't even played yet:
yakuza 0
yakuza 6
yakuza kiwami
Gravity Rush 2
Persona 5
Tearaway Unfolded
The Talos Principle
Salt and Sactuary
Nex Machina

Also there are countless number of exclusives coming out 2018-19

2353d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

best reviewed non-nintendo game since last of us (June 2013) and GTA V (September 2013)

2354d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

My top 10 PS4 exclusive and PS4 console exclusive games (includes remakes but NOT remasters)
1)Bloodborne + old hunters
2)Uncharted 4
3)Last Guardian
4) Shadow of the Colossus remake (the original is prob one of my top 5 games of all time, this is THE BEST remake ever made. period. but its not higher, since I've experienced this before when it came out in 2005)
5) Nier Automata (Tied)
5) Nioh (Tied)
6) Horizon Zero Dawn

2354d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

lets be real guys..the PS4 will be revealed early 2020, and be released fall 2020

2385d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm worried this game will not get much success.They are releasing it the same year as TLOU2 (which is a similar type game)...the sequel to one of the top 10 games of the 21st century (arguably top 5).

2389d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


I've never played any of the persona games before though... Also the story seems sorta "goofy" rather than compelling. I'll give it a shot.

2508d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My personal top 10 list (out of the 50+ games I've played since late 2013)
1) Bloodborne + old hunters
2) Breath of the Wild (tied)
2) Mario Oddysey (tied)
3) Uncharted 4
4) Inside
5) Last Guardian
7) The Witness
8) The Witcher III
9) Nier Automata
10) Horizon: Zero Dawn
~I don't own an xbox, so NO xbox and/or PC exclusives are included

2511d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

My top 10 games this generation (out of the 50+ games I've played since late 2013)
1) Bloodborne + old hunters
2) Breath of the Wild (tied)
2) Mario Oddysey (tied)
3) Uncharted 4
4) Inside
5) Last Guardian
7) The Witness
8) The Witcher III
9) Nier Automata
10) Horizon: Zero Dawn

~I don't own an xbox, so NO xbox and/or PC exclusives are included

2511d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think the PS5 won't come out till Fall 2020. The best is yet to come for PS4!

2518d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment