
CRank: 5Score: 101840

how many games run at 1080p at 60fps on 360? None so far, but only game that really takes advantage of it for PS3 is RR7. Tennis and Bball don't tax a system.
how many games have deformation? Dunno (seriously)
how many games have 40 player online? Huxley.. nuff said.
how many games have motion control? How many PS3 games support rumble?
how many racing games on 360 have more than six cars on the road? Son loves all the racing games so far.. all that matters.. btw.....

6527d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here's a quote from Factor 5 regarding Lair:

"Eggebrecht: Lair has been in production since 2004. For a long time the team was quite small, by now we have a whole army on it. The dev-kits evolved throughout that time, but the specs really didn't. We started with Lair at exactly the same time as the PS3 specs were specified and the hardware partners were locked-in. So we knew what to expect. Cell already was far along, the NVIDIA partnership made things very clean and clear...

6527d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't count on Insomaniac, Factor 5s, Cliffy B only because they have a direct stake with the console they work for.

I actually like that Epic was able to change MS' mind on the memory. Only shows that MS is willing to listen to developers. In my opinion, I don't think developers like a console at $600.

And I do think that Blu-ray was added just to give Sony a lead in hd-dvd/blu-ray war. Here's a question... do you think that if Sony didn't help create Blu-ray ...

6527d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

You said "The difference is partially invisible in the form of complex physics and AI routines". I believe that a representative from makers of Assasins Creed said that Xbox360's version would have better AI. I know that Ubisoft later corrected that statement, but they pretty did that so not to piss off Sony fans.

Also, as far as graphics, I do believe that Xbox has the upperhand as far as textures. GOW has received awesome reviews regarding how detailed the graphics...

6527d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can you please post links about the developers stating that PS3 is "significantly" more powerful (don't include Insomaniac, Factor 5). All the ones I've read pretty much say each has its pros and cons but in the end pretty much even.

Also, how long do you think RFOM, Lair, and Motorstorm have been in development? I would say atleast more than 1yr considering that the titles were mentioned when PS3 was suppose to be released in Spring 2006.

6527d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

IGN gave RFOM a 9.1... great score for a launch title. Now waiting for comparisons of GOW vs RFOM.

6528d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What I don't get is that the PS3 was suppose to be released in spring 06, but it was pulled at the last minute. So exactly what games was suppose to be released at that time assuming that final devs were out 5 months ago? The excuse was that there wasn't enough diodes or hardware parts for the PS3... never once stating any problems about software development.

6529d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its funny how sony fans make comments like "IGN is biased". Then when 1UP makes a comment about RFOM its "they obviously just played the demo". Of course when it pretty much unanimous of the scores for GOW from more than respectable source, its "they're just looking at the graphics". Oh wait.. then when 360 games look better its "developers fault".

Ok ok... xbox fans do the same thing, but I seem to see a lot more excuses from Sony fan...

6529d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think Guitar Hero II is reported to not work on PS3. I know.. only one game.

6529d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Reviews dont mean crap.gow is overrated,and all it has to offer is graphics thats it."

So that means that all ps3 games are crap since they're just pretty graphics? Oh wait.. some ps3 titles have already been reviewed and pretty much said just nice graphics, but game is so so...

6530d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree... people saying that it took 1yr for a killer app to appear on 360 are crazy. There's no killer app for PS3 at launch is there? RFOM and Motorstorm are not those killer games... FF, MSG4, GT5 are still a while off with FF being 2008. I think only Xbox really had a system seller on release which was Halo.

6531d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think you're mistaken... Sony's the one that needed the big HD just so that it can act as a cache for the slow Blu-ray. 5gigs for RR7... adds up quick.

6531d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't have a problem if they said the Cell processor was a bit faster than 360s, but to say "3x faster". WTF.. and then people who think themselves intelligent on this forum (ie: Sony fanboys) agree with this sh!t.

6533d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

WTF is "future proof". That mean Sony won't come out with another console ever? So if Blu-ray fails, can I switch out the blu-ray with an HD-DVD or whatever becomes standard? So does that mean that there won't be a faster processor than the Cell ever? Sorry... just hate that damn term.

6533d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thought latest Kaz interview now mentioned only 1mil.

6553d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think it was originally 4mil before the fiasco, then went down to 2mil. Now its down to 1mil?

6554d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No way you'll be downloading HD movies... those files are huge! We're talking anywhere from 9-25gigs!

6554d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Kaz Hirai: For day one, we are going to have a total 400,000 units for the launch period only for North America, and we expect to have about one million units by the end of the calendar year. These are some pretty aggressive numbers.

I thought they were going to have 2mil by end of year?

6554d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not sure how anyone can really believe what Sony says, but diehard Sony fans (I didn't say the f* word) will again overlook this latest statement.

6561d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Kinda amazing that PS3 will be released in a little over a month and developers are still saying things like "whatever the final name for that's gonna be for the [PS3]". Online for now will seem like its gonna be a mess for a while.

6561d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment