CRank: 5Score: 6310

Xbox Live is a model that apparently is good enough to have Sony do the same thing. If you own a 360/One to only watch Netflix.. then why? So frankly, I don't think if matters that you pay for Gold to use the features. Very few games have invigorating single player experiences, it's all about multiplayer now; something you have to pay for with both companies. The whole pay for use of Netflix and such is not a very good argument in the fanboy war. The fact that I pay for Xbox Live is w...

3885d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sweet! Perfectly fine considering basically anyone who owns a 360/One has Xbox Live anyways.

3885d ago 5 agree14 disagreeView comment

It's because people will use magnets to steal games at Walmart and other places that don't give a crap, and run right down the street to trade it in. It's been a policy for since I worked there from 2007-2012, and odds are it hasn't changed. If it's obvious, like a Not for Resale from a console, we trade it in. But outside of that, we tell them to come back another day with the unsealed game, as that's the way to work around the policy.

3885d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well now that this has been posted, everyone with no life is going to make sure that changes.

3889d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yay!! Let's cheer for a ton of employees to lose their jobs that make no major decision for how the company does business whatsoever! I understand the hate for Gamestop, but you've gotta think of the smaller picture here. I worked there 5 years, our customers left us nonstop great surveys, never had a single complaint, and the guys I worked with were some of the kindest and best employees you could have at a GameStop. They're all still working there. There are absolutely some bad ...

3906d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I spent 50 bucks on premium and still can't even get into a match to try out either of the two expansions on Xbox One. I can't use server browser to specifically pick these expansions either which is a pain.

3921d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Because, frankly, both OS's at launch are POS. Both have their fair share of problems, but also potential.

3922d ago 49 agree25 disagreeView comment

Congratulations. Now please tell me, why are you wasting yours and our time by responding to this article?

No need to feel bad though, I've perfectly enjoyed my Xbox One in the living room just as much as the PS4 in my bedroom.

3922d ago 28 agree6 disagreeView comment

An Embargo is mostly in place for hype, sometimes in place to save preorders (like Aliens Colonial Marines). However, look at all these articles talking about red flags from the embargo, etc. You're just doing exactly what Microsoft wants, creating a mass amount of publicity and hype. Do you know how many people are going to flock to the Ryse review when it does get released now? Far more than would have flocked to it before all these articles came out.

3963d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't know about you, but my PS2 doesn't work anymore.

3968d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Considering the fact that part of Naughty Dog's team have been doing space type research/work, it's pretty safe to assume it's Jak. Goes back to the rumored Jak 4 title screenshot leaked awhile back as well. That's what makes the most sense to me at least.

3968d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I do enjoy both sim and arcade racers as I'll often buy both Forza and Need for Speed (only Hot Pursuit and recent though). It definitely is a preference thing. However, in terms of next-gen experience I actually think Need for Speed really steps it up big from the predecessors with the single/online mesh as well as graphically. I'll be picking this up and grabbing Forza in the spring probably.

3968d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

My OCD is fuming watching this.

3969d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't take me as a troll. I'm getting the Xbox One at launch (and this game), just giving you a sophisticated response that I don't want you taking as a troll attack as it seems to be the norm here. But Infinity Ward has said all systems use dedicated servers.

3970d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

You're going to get disagrees simply for saying you're picking this up hahah. Ridiculous. Everyone feels the need to validate their purchase. I am also grabbing both and I can't wait to play Killzone and switch over to play some Forza as well. Xbox will go in my living room to take advantage of the TV features while PS4 will be in my bedroom.

3970d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

I'm glad it made you laughed. Shows we don't all need to be intelligent to find humor.

3974d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

The people complaining about resolution probably don't even have a TV big enough where it matters. Much like people who complained about the always online had internet that was always on anyways. It's ridiculous. Just get which one you prefer and enjoy it. I'm getting both, and I can't wait to play Dead Rising, and then some Killzone.

3974d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Do you feel better about yourself now? I hate how this whole fanboy war is just to validate their decision of what console they're choosing to purchase. Buy your console, enjoy the games you're playing, enjoy playing with your friends, and stop caring what other people think or what other people are buying.

3974d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

I'm curious as to if you can use the cable from the Verizon Fios app? Obviously the Verizon app allows you to use your Xbox as a set top box, will the TV functionality work with that app? I hope it does, it would save me from getting a cable box in my bedroom.

3974d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It sucks, but I'm OK with it. DICE did great with continued support of 3. It was so bad at launch that it was unplayable. Yet I still enjoyed it more than Black Ops 2. But after a few months and patches, it was amazing. I had no regret spending $60 on that game.

3975d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment