
CRank: 5Score: 2090

You really think 4 year old Unreal Engine 3's latest game looks better than this? You are not being honest..you are being a fanboy.
Please go to the bot zone>>>>>>&g t;>

Anyway I think this looks really nice, I like how crisp it renders and the colours are vivid too.

5753d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Am I wrong?
It's better than Ocarina Of Time? MGS4? Super Mario Bros? Secret Of Mana? DooM? Crysis? BF2? GTA Vice City? Chrono Trigger? SF2? Goldeneye64? FFVII? Tetris?

Please! This is oh so FAIL.

5754d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There are about 30 titles on there, maybe more that suck so much balls, they would never make a top 200 never mind a top 50.
Secret Of Mana anyone? FFVII? Super Mario Bros/World? Link To The Past?
Quake III Arena? Doom? Anyone? Anyone?


5755d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment
5755d ago

pwnsause wrote "Seriously, leave baseball out of it. Baseball isnt just played in the US. it is also played in some parts of latin America, Carribean, Japan and Korea."

Well, that leaves about 9 tenths of planet Earth that couldn't give two sh1ts about a glorified rounders (look it up) game. I think I have a legitimate point, using baseball in my post.

Seriously though, you guys do come of HIGHLY DUMB. It's not just Kotaku, I have heard similar comments fro...

5758d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sorry child but were do you get you facts from?

Read that. You know how to read? you ignorant ****?

5758d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Obviously reviewed by a dumb ass American.
That's the only person on Earth that says that kind of crap about the greatest sport on planet earth.

Oh, BTW, no one likes American Football, or BaseBall.
They are crap. Please rename the Word Series to the American cup or something, as no one else in said world is in it.

5758d ago 18 agree2 disagreeView comment

Just use this guide.

Don't choose vob just leave it on h264 (mp4) the finished file seems to be about the same size as the origonal too.
I have twice converted HBO's trueblood 720p MKV to MP4 using this method and it works amazingly.

The only thing is, if I try to go into audio options, it crashes out, but its ok if the so...

5760d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

2D FTW. What sf4 should have been.
I love you SNK, and yes I can do Geese Howard's raging volcano..can you?
(diagonal back down-fwd half cricle-diagonal fwd down+punch!!)
KOF rules, no noobs allowed.

5760d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

1 for 1 motion sensing. But can't Nintendo sue for stuff like this?
I mean, it's physically a total rip off no? Who holds the patent?
Whoever it is, can you loan me a few grand? I'm hurting.

5760d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment


5760d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

But TBO I don't dig it at all. I find COD4 to be way smoother, and in some ways better graphics too. This doesn't look that good and IMO does not play well either.
HOWEVER, I am not a socom player, and have never played a socom game before. Plus this is a beta (with horrendous frame rate at times).
I came into it from years of fast paced games like Counter Strike Source on my PC, and COD4 on ps3 etc....but I'm keeping an open mind that the finished product will do well.
I ju...

5761d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Been waiting ages for this puppy!! Twenty bones is great value IMO too.
PSN rules! ooohhh yeah!

5761d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Number 2, these 'ten things you should know' articles are crap.
You don't need to know, their sh1tty web pages need you to click your way there and give them a hit...
3...oh that's it.

Now you know.

5762d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment


5762d ago 13 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sounds like a Sony hating bitter HD DVD/360 fantard to me.
Show me any average household that has internet that can download 50 gig in reasonable time...? Oh you can't? Well, stfu then.
Downloads will not replace physical media any time soon the way the internet infrastructure is at the moment on a world wide basis.

Oh yea also LightningPS3..please change your name to boring, obvious 360 fanboy. That would be more accurate. Grow some balls and try to be objective fo...

5762d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Even though the last one was waaaaay rough, I still thought it played well. Just goes to show how good PES's engine is for pure playability.
As for FIFA, well the graphics are so nice, but it still bores me.

5765d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I bought 2 qores so far and they were crap.

5766d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment
5766d ago

**Fingers crossed!!**

5766d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment