CRank: 5Score: 1390

mgs1... the best one u didn't play... lol

4170d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

1. it is not true next gen, meaning.... it is only slightly better than current gen and current gen is out for almost a decade.....

2. i can't see how a tablet can make me want this system so bad.... i laid my hands on one... nothing special... like a bigger psp that is always connected to the console but you cant take on the go with you

3. most people already bought into the "wii" before and most people wont fall for it a second time.... key wo...

4170d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

you guys do realize... wii sold a lot last gen because it was first of all the cheapest console, second of all it sold an idea of "fun" that pretty much vanished after you play 30 mins of it and never touched it for two years, then it spread like wildfire because people were having parties or family dinners and the wii shined bright in these situations where people get to play 10 mins and have quick bursts of fun

now...for wii u to succeed it would have to win back ...

4182d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

sony ps4, they learned ....
1. to release hardware that are developer friendly
2. to release hardware that isn't top of the line and skyrocket their costs

sony released ps3 with top of the line hardware back in 2006

what did gamers do?

what $500?? $600 ?? TOO EXPENSIVE

what did sony learn this time?
not to give gamers the latest hardware because it is not cost effective even though they feel they h...

4184d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

how hard is it to not realize that amd pretty much said "okay we'll take $10" whilst nvidia said "no way, $10 for my tech? $15 or no go" sony of course took the cheaper one and im not surprised microsoft went with amd.

would u buy a similar product for $15 ? or $10?
answer is obvious

nvidias response is understandable as well... if sony wanted them to spend so much time and r&d to develop for the ps4 yet the money isn't...

4205d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

why people getting excited over a system that is only slightly more powerful than current gen, which is almost 7 years old is beyond me

nintendo should've made a system that will be more powerful or just as powerful than ps4 and xbox3 so they dont play the stupid catch up game, the amount of people who would've bought wii U would've been crazy, because nintendo could've delivered "why wait for next gen, its already here" kind of thing, but now they g...

4258d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

when all the little boys and grils grows grow up, they wont want to play nintendo handhelds and will slowly adopt sonys system

nintendo ds = for kids
sony psp = for teenagers and adults

of course there are adults playing nintendo (mostly girls anyway)
but sony psp2 will be very successful when the kids who grow up from nintendo will embrace it fully, its a matter of time.

5005d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment