CRank: 5Score: 77880

Cheaped out on HDD going with HGST at 5400RPM
Cheaped out on ODD going with standard Blu-ray

It's not a bad box for it's price, that being said I stick in an SSD

2869d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It will be compatible, will just limit the speed to the interface/ on-board memory controller.
I've put SSDs in old Core 2 rigs to give them a little more life. Max I've seen SATA III getting is 550MB/s which is almost its rated speed of 600MB/s, all good SSDs do around these speeds.

M.2 is now the standard, with drives doing 3,500MB/s
3D XPoint will be in a few years doing even faster speeds

2869d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This article is quite bad!

"It will accomplish this through a speedier clock speed (2.1 GHz versus 1.6 Ghz) and an enhanced graphics preparing unit." As digital foundries have pointed out the CPU is a massive bottleneck for PS4/XBO, this overclock will not improve much. and preparing unit hahahha its Graphics Processing Unit xD

8GB total memory isn't enough when its shared with system memory, 12GB should cover it. However 218GB/s is no wear ...

2942d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

or get a PC and be beyond Neo and Scorpio now?

2942d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

This is most defiantly a fanboy statement, Nvidia always challenge competition!

From what the rumours are saying, the NX will feature Nvidia next gen Tegra platform, it is only division that Nvidia has struggled with compared to its over arms (they've destroyed AMD in GPUs for 5 years now)

Tegra has never captured the Mobile/ Tablet market so putting in a Nintendo console would help drive this weak part of Nvidia business. Also looking at performance ...

2964d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

I don't think Nvidia wanted to be in PS4/XBO anyway. They lost money on PS3 GPU
Furthermore Nvidia don't design x86 CPU so Sony/Microsoft could not get and APU off of Nvidia

I also believe Nvidia didn't want to get an undercut like they did with PS3, they wanted a fair price for their chips

2964d ago 4 agree9 disagreeView comment

2yr old GTX 970 beats it at everything even though it should be worse
AMD only wins at price

Nvidia show me the next Titan, Then I'll decide if its 1080, 1080 Ti or Titan! for me!

3009d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its pretty dire really

Similar power consumption as a GTX 970
Similar performance as a GTX 970
Similar thermals as a GTX 970

1 has 8GB ram, 1 has 3584MB + 512MB ram
1 is 14nm FinFet, 1 is 28nm
1 came out 2yrs ago

3009d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Also its not the best game to replicate the results as its procedural generated
Nvidia also looked like it was on a higher graphics setting, giving the AMD hardware less of a task.

Watch the video again people!

3035d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

To be honest people AMD very carefully selected this game!

They selected a game which favours AMD hardware furthermore Nvidia still have realised a proper DX12 driver for this game so again it favours AMD. How about we all wait for independent verification.

Whats impressive about the RX 480 is price that its, its about the same performance as a GTX 980, a 2 year old graphics card, when you put it like that is no longer impressive.

The t...

3035d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Batman Arkham Knight was the exception and it was very disgusting!
The vast majority of 3rd party games look identical or better than the console version but also have options for resolution & frame rate.

Oh and as for terrible ports for PC? Well this is why I love Digital Foundry, there's no hiding for people lying. Pretty much every 3rd party game runs worse than a budget gaming pc

Intel Core i3 4130, 8GB DDR3 & Nvidia GeForce GTX ...

3044d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why not get them on PC (besides Sony games and RDR)

3083d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


3083d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think the PSVR is overpriced

All in PSVR, thats the; Headset, Camera, Controllers and Game its $500
All in Oculus, thats the; Headset, Camera, Controller and 2 Games its $600

And the headset is inferior to Oculus
PSVR is 960 by 1080 per eye at 60Hz (sub HD)
Oculus is 2160 by 1200 per eye at 90Hz

3108d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well in that case its not the best experience? is it?

3115d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hasn't Sony admitted that if you want a high end VR experience, it's not PlayStation VR?

3116d ago 9 agree8 disagreeView comment

Just look at Digital Foundry

PC with Intel Core i3s (Dual Core CPUS) 8GB and GTX 750Ti or GTX 960 walk over PS4/XB1 in every 3rd party game!

Don't have to even include, i5 or i7 nor high speed DDR or GTX 980Ti or Fury X

3135d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I can't see how people think AMD is winning?
"What in the hell has nVidia done? AMD is destroying them with the new Apis"

Nvidia cards are still faster! they just are!
Nvidia drivers are more frequent and actually fix any issues faster

As much of a big step Fury X was, bottom line Maxwell is just faster, Pascal will be out by April/May and will have HMB 2.0
AMD will have an even bigger struggle.

Also peop...

3135d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So basically what PC can do now? Nvidia Pascal coming soon!

"Physics engines haven't changed since I did the physics on [Dreamcast game] TrickStyle."

Look at PC games that use PhysX or Nvidia GameWorks

3149d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why are console gamers so bitter about the particle effects update only on Nvidia PCs?

3151d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment