CRank: 5Score: 9610

@DayZ - They could build into the software that the game won't work unless you have an internet connection. Or that the game won't work until it has been connected to the internet and registered online.

4122d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

That isn't the controller. If you read the caption it clearly stats that it is a Xbox 360 controller. Just drawn up for an example of what the prototypes look like

4192d ago 15 agree9 disagreeView comment

....Next year

4395d ago 5 agree14 disagreeView comment

Ratings should be based on if players are 100%. Injuries from previous years should not effect ratings in Madden, that makes no sense. On the Bradshaw argument, he's not a top tier running back. AP and Charles are both backs that are in the upper echeleon of players in the NFL.

4427d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I prefer the offset sticks, it's far more comfortable. I wish Nintendo was original, but we can't all get what we want.

4435d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Development kits normally have double the ram of the final console. So it more than likely is gonna be rockin' 4gb's.

4438d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here's the thing about the 6x more powerful argument. That was based on the system having an ATI gpu in it. This report says the Durango has an intel processor and an Nvidia gpu. Not the same hardware that IGN had originally said would be in it.

4438d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@scissor_runner - No it's pretty much an X360 controller with the right stick and buttons in each others place. Actually it is an X360 controller with the two in each others place.

4458d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

@TruthbeTold - I assure you, I am not "new" to gaming or ignorant, unlike you appear to be if you don't see the obvious in front of you. The Wii U in many ways is like the xbox 360 whether you would like to agree or not is up too you. I know this kills Nintendo fans, especially when there main point about why they love Nintendo is they always innovate. Unfortunately for them this "next gen" console of theirs has probably the least innovation of any console they have re...

4458d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why? He's 100% correct. Nintendo stole the 360 controller almost exactly. Moved a stick where the buttons are and the buttons where the stick was. And we all know the hardware is weak, marginal power increase over what is already out slapped some nintendo stickers on it and call it "next gen". THE INNOVATION!!

4459d ago 10 agree10 disagreeView comment

First of all no they won't. Most Call of Duty fanboys who buy it ever year, play it religiously online. And they are gonna play it on XBL or PSN. That is just fact

4471d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's a video game are you serious? If you take offense to someone crouching over your dead body what else do you take offense over? Sounds too me like maybe you just suck at it

4476d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

@yabhero - Thats not exactly how it works usually. Most of the time companies such as Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft contract companies like Intel, AMD, ATI, Nvidia to design them chips. So with X360 Microsoft had IBM design the Xenon the triple core processor. Same with ATI, they made the GPU the Xenos. These companies were payed to design the chips and i'm sure in the contracts they had a deal where they fabricated the first of the chips. But Microsoft owns the patents and designs for the ch...

4480d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

@yabhero - You have to also consider how expensive those controllers are and Nintendo has proven nowadays they aren't gonna take a hit on the hardware. Microsoft and Sony will eat hundreds of dollars on each console sold if it means getting into peoples hands, Nintendo not so much.

4480d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

They know the specs of the system by now. There is absolutely no way in hell they could figure out the specs of the console now, fabricate enough processors have the entire kits built, packed, and shipped by these holidays if they don't know the specs. They wouldn't be launching this year if they didn't have the specs pegged.

4480d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

@shackdaddy - They clearly say that the Frostbite 2 engine is built for the next generation. Wii U is not a next gen console the same wii wasn't next gen. Just because it's a new console doesn't mean the console is going to be able to take full advantage of said software. This schtick is fact, Wii U is a console to catch up to X360/PS3. When DICE stated making the engine they were clearly shooting for hardware much more powerful then the consoles that are out now. You can cry and ...

4480d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

What about Wii U? I can't figure out how you nintendo boys can't figure this part out. Everytime a new engine or amazing tech demo comes out the developers are talking about MS/Sony next console. Why is that? Because they are going to be truly next gen, not a catch up to this gen. And besides that, 3rd party publishers don't care about nintendo consoles, AT ALL. Thats why the Wii got nothing but shovelware last gen, and it'll get the same thing this gen. The Wii U is weak comp...

4480d ago 12 agree9 disagreeView comment

What was wrong with her presentation? So what if she was being goofy, she was having fun. Seeing games that she loves, entertaining the people that provide her the favorite past time she has. I for one think it's great, and all you children who can't get over it need to just stop.

4485d ago 21 agree2 disagreeView comment

He is saying that his games (the ones he likes making) sell more in other regions then in Japan. He's not saying anything about styles or cultures or anything else. Beside that, the Japanese developers who are struggling to stay afloat these days have realized that people are tired of turn based rpgs and weird cartoonish japanese titles and they are having trouble staying relevant in a changing world. Not only to mention all that, but Japan isn't nearly as big of a market as the West ...

4486d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

The fact that we can compare games at the end of 360 and PS3's life cycle to even launch titles of a new console is pretty sad. When X360 and PS3 came out all the games looked better then the previous generations games, and you can flame me all you want, but that is a fact. It should be worrying to people that these games don't look noticably better even if it has more power, those games don't look any better. What happens when the PS4 and Next Xbox comes out and absolutely wipes ...

4488d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment