Super Sonic Hero
CRank: 5Score: 33220

If they are only half as good as Nintendo or Sony in taking care of their franchises. Then the world will be a much better place where Sega franchises are relevant as can be

1919d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I appreciate all games made but the toxic lies of Nintendo fanboys in the media due to their brand loyalty brought about by insecurity I don't .
So much injustice to countless games like P5 were committed in the name of Nintendo.

1919d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

Oh yes, that Nintendo slogan "graphics does not matter".

Any person with seeing eyes can say this game looks better than that overrated "stylized" game regardless of genre.
And what has genre have to do with graphics?
Aren't they both Japanese RPGs?

"The looks of Persona 5 drew me in (it was my buying decision factor), but it was the soul of the game that made me fall in love with it."


1919d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

If only Barren of the Wild is even half as substatial as this game...
Also the cel shading "stylized graphics" of P5 trumps that game's considerring that Atlus is a much much smaller developer.

1919d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Not only Google, Amazon, Nvidia, are launching the gane atreaming service too.

1919d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

If you have the option to download the games like in YouTube Music then that will be awesome!

1919d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

Hell No

1919d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

I always dreamed of a unifying platform and I thought it was Android but looks like its gonna be Stadia.

What's interesting is that YouTube to Stadia gaming connection which lets you play or join a game you see on YouTube. Now that is cool.
Also they are bringing couch co-op to the spotlight again via wi-fi.
Oh yeah, no one is gonna bitch about cross play again coz its there on the get go.

1919d ago 2 agree22 disagreeView comment

Poor Xbox brand....

1919d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Why does Sega do this all the freakin time?!!! Yet do not deliver.
They do surveys about their IPs like every year!
Don't they trust their great past IPs?
SMH Sega! You're so out of touch.
So many fan's are so deprived of your classic IPs. Have mercy.

1920d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Its made by Fromsoftware the most reliable and trust worthy developers out there.

1920d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hell no!
With years experience and training a gamer should have developed that skill of perception to know whether a hyped game is good or bad. That is what former Nintendo chairman Yamauchi developed. He gives a Nintendo game a go signal just by seeing it play.
These two games I mentioned are a far cry from what a billion dollar company like Nintendo can make. But no they chose to make bare bones, ripped off elemets and game play copy pasted games that are generations behin...

1920d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Thanks to PS4 goodwill.

1920d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

Very very LBP

1920d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

When its a Sony exclusive its disturbing.
When its a Nintendo exclusive its not.

1921d ago 20 agree6 disagreeView comment

That sp renaissance started long ago with Uncharted 2 Among Thieves in 2009

1921d ago 1 agree15 disagreeView comment

Its all about the quality not quantity.

1921d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

SM: Odyssey

1921d ago 4 agree14 disagreeView comment

Like Guerilla Games said, for them to break even to sell twice their budget is already good.

USD$3 billion for a single game to make is too lofty a goal that no developer ever sanely hopes to make. Fate/Grand Order sales is considered a one in a million lucky phenomenon.

1921d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I platinumed GOW in New Game Plus.
Well deserved playtime for me Congrtas to Cory and SSM.

1922d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment