CRank: 5Score: 9190

I don't play Starfield and I don't see myself doing so in the near future, but the lighting in that short clip does look better. I hope it doesn't become a trend, but I suppose it is possible they could pull a Cyberpunk 2077 or No Man's Sky and at least get close to what the game was hyped to be.
Even just from reading stuff I would love to hear about a temple puzzle or temple progression update that made that part of the game as interesting mechanically as it seems t...

142d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The recording quality of the reviewer's audio is just so clipped. It's rough to listen to.

142d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

When there is more headroom in performance available, developers will start using that headroom to make their games look better than the competition and will once again start targetting 30 fps but with more advanced graphics or gameplay systems.

If you aren't 12 you know this is what happens every "generation." It isn't new. 60 FPS gaming on console has never been a consistent reality and only might become so in the future with all the upscaling and advanc...

248d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Prolly not even worth the time responding as you're clearly delusional and I doubt my comment will sway you, but not only will the regular ole map of Manhattan be updated, we will also be exploring Forest Hills, which is incredibly interesting to me as I live in Queens and can already see a lot of potential for some gameplay differences in the outer borough.

But yeah @olMyerslo 100% the same map lol. Nice research. Your ilk is why the internet sucks.

318d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@rippermcrip I completely agree. I told my bf when it released that most of the negativity was just a vocal minority and that time would ultimately tell whether it was a "good" game or not. I personally love it and it's nice to see people coming around on it after finally dealing with grieving Joel.

Which Spiderman story would anyone rather they adapt? Clone Saga? One More Day? LOL.

They seem to be taking a different spin on the whole narrat...

318d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Or like, just craft? Vapor-read. Someone got paid to type out words that are loosely affiliated with a game. Really wish we had about 1/10th of gaming articles that we currently have by getting rid of all these "articles" that are just absolutely pointless, substance-less dreck.

340d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

@Rocketisleague Aren't loading screens SO last gen? I did used to use loading screens as a time to grab a quick bite of a snack or whatever, but since consoles finally decided to stop torturing us, and I've had an SSD and then NVME drive in my comp as soon as possible... Point is, what loading screens? If it lasts for less than 5 seconds like most current gen games, I'm not sure what you're trying to complain about. They only exist on Switch now.

340d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

Agreed. They absolutely don't spell it out for you and I'm often left wondering... "look where!?"

They also don't tend to happen immediately. I've run into instances where I could NOT see what I was supposed to do next, so I waited around until the literal talking head or my growing-up-before-my-eyes son points out the obvious thing I was overlooking. They just point it out. They don't say "Hey! Do this and this!" They say something l...

578d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

100% agree. For those commenting on this without reading the article... read it... there is very little of substantive value here.

Looking for a career change atm, and I'm thinking games journalism would be a handy place to land. Doesn't really matter what you write, just how many words you produce or how many clicks you can get. This is a very clickbait-y article that is poorly researched or articulated. Next.

1072d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment