CRank: 5Score: 5300

Just got back from Circuit City and picked mine up.

6169d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

A fanboy is simply a person who is loyal to a particular company. I am a former Microsoft fanman. I have worked in Technology for over 20 years and I have owned Microsoft products for most of those years. I have continued to pay outragous license fees for mediocre products. I have to re-image laptops at least twice a year because of OS flaws and I have sent two XBOX360 machines back to Austin for repair. Now the flipside. My father in law who is a complete Sony Fanman and has owned Sony...

6182d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Many of my friends myself included never had PS2 so BC is irrelevant. PS2 owners who have an existing PS2 library can choose the 60 or 80 to have BC. Sony will make more money off the console from you because you may not purchase every new PS3 title because you still have a PS2 library that you can enjoy. But for me although I will be purchasing the lower priced 40 I will be spending more money on games because I am building my library from scratch.

6193d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have never owned a PS1 or PS2 so the BC means nothing to me. The 40gb is a perfect option for someone like me who will be coming over to the PS3 camp once the drop hits the states.

6196d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I believe that the reason for the recent price drops and multiple skus of the PS3 are not out of desperation. In fact I believe that Sony originally wanted to roll out a 40gb and 80gb this fall originally instead of Nov of last year. I think M$ launched aggressively on purpose and put Sony in a tailspin because they knew that Sony could not wait two more years to release their console. They also knew that if they could force Sony to launch early then the manufacturing costs of BR would for...

6203d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

The same day that I received mine back from the service center the video started to die on me so I had to open a brand new ticket. When I got the second one back I immediately sold it on craigslist. So now I am consoleless and I won't purchase another one until either M$ fixes their problem or the PS3 drops in price, whichever comes first. I think we all which one will. :)

6217d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

My launch 360 died in July right around the announcement of the new warranty. When I got the box back from MS it had a manufacturing date of July 25, 2007. I thought it was new but I doubt it although it did have the new heat sink. I hooked it up and to my surprise the video started to go bad after 20 minutes, flashing lines on the screen. So another call to MS and shipped that box back. Today I receieved my second box and although everything seems to be fine now I have this nagging feel...

6233d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment