CRank: 5Score: 6110

Wow fanboyism at it's finest. While yes Ryse was a beautiful game.. But the FPS reached into the teens on it.. That's really bad. Again I'm not knocking the game, it's been well established that I:SS has the upper hand.

Not only that but there is a reason why the PS4 version tends to look better on Multi's. While yes sometimes the XOne can have somethings better between the two. Consensus still brings the PS4 higher performance.

I really...

3639d ago 17 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yeah I've been playing BF4 since launch and it is 100 times better now.

It would be nice for at least a "our bad guys, our bad"

3710d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really want to play Daylight.. Couldn't beat Outlast so maybe I can get through this.

And the replay value of it seems pretty high since every time you play a new game everything is different in the game.. so no 2 people are supposed to have the same experience

3743d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I posted this in another article seems fitting here too

Whatever happened having it being about the games. I'm tired of these $ony and Xbots attacks. Pick the console you like and just play.. have fun. But everyone wants to attack the next person.. Some to the point of delusional (not naming names but we all know the livejournal).

There's genocide and people starving and dying out there, all we can fight about is our HD experience.. First world probl...

3752d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Whatever happened having it being about the games. I'm tired of these $ony and Xbots attacks. Pick the console you like and just play.. have fun. But everyone wants to attack the next person.. Some to the point of delusional (not naming names but we all know the livejournal).

There's genocide and people starving and dying out there, all we can fight about is our HD experience.. First world problems I guess

3752d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yeah I don't really understand the writers reasoning behind this. I can go up to the corner a rent a game. There's Gamefly also. Basically all Sony and developers are trying to do is cut out the middleman.

I'm sure developers are still going to get a cut, but they don't want a third party anymore to continuously making money off of one disc. Plus it's more accessible to us as consumers. So the only people really getting hurt is those third party companies....

3752d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's like Outlast but each time you replay the game it's supposed to be different.. rooms change.. items get moved around.. scary parts change... so the replay value is supposed to be high

3767d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I honestly don't think it's on sales for the availability.. If you think about how scarce PS4's are in the U.S., I think they just back stocked the PS4 well for the Japan launch that there is quite a bit left over. We'll see when numbers come out.

3772d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah but he shows no proof that these pictures were taken from a Xbox1. All this guys is throw pictures and images and conspiracy theories with literally nothing to back it up

3772d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Might want to see if tiremfej is another MisterX profiles..

I go on MisterX's site here and there just to laugh. But the guy literally has no idea what he's talking about.

He even came out and said himself that his "insider" is just him making things up. And LiveJournal?? Really? Maybe it's a cult lol

3772d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well the QTE's aren't in the cutscenes per say. It's integrated into the gameplay. Like it'll give you a choice.. For example "press triangle to smash head into wall or X to to throw to the ground" type of thing. It'll go into "bullet time" and you can use the environment around you to kill. Like bullet time activates and you look around see a dagger on ground and you can use that by pressing the corresponding button.

So yes there are Q...

3777d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Put DMR's back into the Recon class. I don't mind DMR's but they have gotten way outta hand.

3785d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Dat shadow of the colossus

3794d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

First.. How does "the name that will not be said" have to do with gaming? STAHP IT.. JUST STAHP.

Second.. This kid needs a real attitude adjustment. Let the U.S. lock him up in jail/prison.. He'll learn some humility

3794d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Witcher 3

3797d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Conquest does still has a few problems.. mostly from netcode.. but supposedly it's suppose to be fix sometime in Feb.

But if you don't mind playing Rush or Obliteration until the next netcode update then the game is really good.. I can throw it in right now and know I'll have fun

3797d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

honestly it looks like not only is his system on carpet but there is a power brick next to it and it looks like the only room between the wall and ps4 is only the outlet length. This person needs much more space. Not a lot but more. I just needed to fix my own computer for heat problems, you think a PS4 that compares to a PC wouldn't have the same problems?

3812d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yeah I would totally double-dip for this game just because I still play it on current gen. If they said next that they will Upgrading Fallout 3/New Vegas/Dishonored... I would buy all three, just because I still play all of them. Why not get the upgrade for awesome games.

3817d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ Pixel-enemy

Very true.. It is way to hard to try and cover the TV screen and scream "Don't look at me!!" when the wife comes in.

3829d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've been playing violent games and watching violent movies even with nudity as far back as i can remember (thanks to my older cousins)and I'm not a murderous psychopath or even shows any true aggression. But my parents knew i enjoyed being scared and in return they knew I could handle violence.

These games need to be regulated by the parents. I don't think any 5 yr old should be playing video games in this day and age unless it's Dora the explore or somethin...

3829d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment