Sleepy --__--


CRank: 5Score: 7760

Network Programmer also listed.does this mean a possible Mgo3 in the works?.or just a genral netcode programmer needed.I hope so since mgo2 will be shutting down soon.

4498d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

No more GS :( that suks.I can see how it it hurts small dev.But i rarelly buy indie games i just GS Cod map packs/Dlc that should of been on disc day 1.w/e i guess i'll just choose wisely on dl content now.

4644d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

But my B-day on the 13th D:

4681d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

I dl the beta customize my character then when i try match making i get error.I'll wait a hr or so till i try agian.First day betas always have something bad like this.

That's what betas are for to fix problems.well usually >.> "looks @" MGO

4736d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


4796d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't support these guys and their action's.But I do in fact have a ps3 on CFW 3.55 why? let me explain.I miss the old days when we have codejunkies,gameshark and so on for my game cheats.I speak for myself when i say i don't need trophies i rather play my game i legally purchased any way I want

Secondly I do want MKV support,cool apps that sony are just not offering rigt now.I do have a main ps3 on offcial fw I just can't seem to wait for sony to release th...

4821d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm @ wrk so I have to wait 3hr to go home.if it's for EU ima make a EU acc asap :)

4894d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow that gameplay sucks I was looking foward to this title.not anymore

4922d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

im in this reward beta on my old psn account.but i made a new 1 both are psn+ acc i just use my old 1 for too lazy to rearn my stats/trophies with playstaion.but i did enroll for the free trip to E3 2011.

Off topic can anyone tell me how's the KZ3 beta im so envious i could't join in my new acc. >.<
psn- Xx-STARKxX

4939d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All though I only use GS on overpriced dlc= COD. why pay 15$ when every others dlc maps are basically 10 or less.also when activision dlc is already on the fkn disc on day 1 of I'm just paying to activate those maps -__-

I do buy full price dlc for talented,hard working devlopers.if I can't GS then w/e I'll just pick the dlc from my fav games and support them.

4958d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How come anime games always choose the arcade fighting genre.I mean from the rich story/arc's the developers can cherry pick any 1 or just make up a new arc/ova.please do these anime justice make a game with story,good music score. anything but another arcade beat them up type game.

4967d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

day 1 buy for me.I already have a copy but i will rebuy this.If new people join the MGO online.I'll brush up on my gun skilz.I use to be good at knife lobbies.people pleas join MGO but beware of mayjor D-bags,laggswitch users,boosters,stalkers.

Pretty much 89% of current MGO players.btw if ppl remember me im Stark see u new ppl in MGO hopfully :P

4973d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have + but as I mention on another thread. I made a new acc 2 buy + so i have 7 throphies now :/
Also does it only reward buying in psn game section? cause I buy alot of movies,shows psn.I don't really like the psn games,minis. I do sometimes buy dlc for my fav games though.a week bck I took a survey SCEE sent me on psn and my thoughts on it.I gave my feed bck more ps1 RPGS!!! please :)

4980d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I got a email by SCEE to take a survey about was on my psn+ account I have other alts psn id's is it cause their not + that I didn't get those too?

Would be cool if I get in this beta rewards will u earn points buy your purchase history?trophies count?.or just ffs O_o I'm screwed in trophies I made a new acc & bought +.will be keeping a eye on these devlopments.

4980d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Had to choose between staying home refreshing page til I saw theme.or taking my lil bro for his b-day shopping I spent 160$ on his gift.I got bck 3 hrs after theme was posted but I still dl it.I have no hope in getting in beta ;(

The party system is cool 2 bad I will be the only 1 from my 27 psn friends buying kz3. I'm trying to convert @ least 1 of them but they say black ops FTW -__-

4982d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Went 2 buy my lil bro b- day gift dl the theme @ 9 pm Chicago time. It's kool though I was in the kz2 beta and I gave no feedback so it should be for the pol who give GG bug/glitch reports.IMO the beta nor really much better then the final product

4988d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ty for the info I just hope for a good SE AAA rpg.ff13 wasn't that good imo but a decent game though. I think nomura is the only reason it hasn't gone multi.

5015d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm pretty sure in 09 E3 jack forgot his last name but CEO of SCEA.said world wide release 4 ff13vs so if it does go multi.2013 maybe? dam I think I was 20 when I first heard of ffvs I'll be playing this when um 26-27?


5015d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

That suks but what can u do. I'll still have my ps3 preorder :) good thing about ps3 is GS I buy the dlc packs. then my 2 bros have it too for free.

On topic: hopefully they get rid of some of the crazy overkill kilstreaks

5038d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cod has a story mode D: u sure ~__~

5063d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment