I prefer the PS3 for the exclusives, but i throughly enjoy the 360 as well.


CRank: 5Score: 4240

"Call Of Duty Franchise Officially Bigger Than Halo"

And just as juvenile and generic as well.

4726d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


4738d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

I have only heard this nonsense come from a xbox 360 fanboy site called bitbag. Torrence Davis has ranted about being a "true gamer" along with HipHopgamer on is xbox 360 podcast "the warzone". Its utter garbage and i actually equate what his meaning of a true gamer is to being a overweight, anti social, anti female, individual. And i don't mean the females you watch with other men on the internet or those who dress up as video game characters. Basically a "true g...

4739d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just waiting to read some feedback regarding how the controls feel. if all is well then its a must have. Crysis on my 52 inch Samsung Plasma TV Yeah!!!!!

4739d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not a fan of Gears and from the streams i have been watching it seems to be the same game as 2 with upgraded weaponry and a different story. I will wait for uncharted 3 and skyrim.

These sites are also sucking MS's nuts as well. Go to gamespot.com, lol along with their review of course comes the advert dollars and gears 3 background lol. I usually just wait for game informer in the mail but even they are reviewing games differently plus they are owned by gamestop...

4753d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

COD community for the most part, little kids on both systems but mainly Xbox 360.

Battlefield community since its inception with Battlefield 1942 on the PC has usually been a mature gamer community. If Dice caters to the bubble gum FPS demographic i will just go back to playing FPS's on my PC. As a man in my early thirties its all about avoiding immature adolescent kids, racists, rednecks online while i'm gaming. This is why i didn't re-up on my XBL after expirat...

4758d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

LOL holiday season is right around the corner.

I know the websites account and not they're console was banned. To those of you who think this is just coincidental stop being naive and realize that MS is doing this for two reasons. #1 they cant pick out EVERY XBL cheater one at a time so they just drop a online tactical nuke on "suspecting accounts" whether your guilty or not lol. #2 The timing is perfect for them business wise, September and usually around Nove...

4759d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm sorry but the A.I alone drops the score down significantly, its just terrible. Also the 1st person gun view looks like shit. This game should have been third person option first with secondary FPS just like MGS.

4764d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

No Sony exclusive will see a score higher than 8.5 on IGN. I sign onto xbox live and see IGN's videos all over the dashboard. Do people really think their give going to give fair scores to they're contractors main competitor? just ignore IGN, game trailers and gamespots scores for 1st party exclusives. The scores usually are determined by who they currently have a media contract with at that given time. You kids don't do enough research and put too much stock into these game site ...

4765d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Well said, and as a adult gamer i'm done with COD. When playing Battle field bad company 2 i usually end up communicating with adults on PSN and never get kids ranting and causing problems. Xbox live is full of little kids and that will never change especially while playing COD and its peer to peer garbage. If people think kiddies parents aren't going to shell out funds for little johnny to have this service are crazy. Immature gamers are obsessed with K/D ratios, weapons stats etc. ...

4765d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

All he mentioned was the boosting issue that really doesn't affect other players outside those private lobbies. What about wall hacking, aimbots, and other man made exploits that appear to this day in MW2 lobby matches? Activision is fucking joke and so is the COD community and games.

4785d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have only preordered a few times since Publishers started attaching incentives in game.

No surprise most 360 owners preorder though. Parents rather pay a little up front because they feel the game may not be available upon release. Yeah i said, most 360 owners are adolescents and this is exactly why i stopped using mine. HueyNewton2010 is my gamertag, and BTW this is a bullshit article that shouldn't have been approved in the first place.

Some games ha...

4810d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not gonna sit here at my desk and lie and say i dont play COD games but i dont consider myself a part of the "COD community" 1. I'm older than 12
2. I'm not a flaming racist.
3. I'm not an illiterate thug smoking weed and blasting garbage hip hop like Lil wayne and wocka flocka in the back ground. I prefer A tribe called quest, Mos Def,Gangstarr etc.
4. I'm not bilingual, no offence but o...

4842d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Those of you who keep mentioning his approval of the PS move during E3 are not mentioning that the PSmove is controller based...... kinect is not.

4842d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

When you can put a game called "Good North American sales" into your 360 and play it on a free network without or annoying kids then let me know.....
> Turns on InFamous to finish the last few chapters then unwraps InFamous 2....

Xbox 360 owners always touting the the NPD's online because they dont have anything new to play. EX. Duke Nukem a very low rated game by even the shittiest sites is selling the most on the 360 lol. I got my 360 for 100.00 do...

4852d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

All the reviews that i have read so far and this game hasn't scored above a 5 out 10 rating yet. Is this really a surprise that 360 ONLY owners would buy this game? what other options do they have?

I'm buying Infamous 2 this evening after work, working on the first game and demo is just sick!!!! Sony offers great exclusives and the 360 only offers one or two decent exclusives every two years.

I will get slammed for this comment but oh well, as a owne...

4852d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

GRAW is just horrendous on PC, they need to revisit the first ghost recon on PC. I played the living crap out of that game and with all the mods it made it even better.

4864d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL the first thing came to mind for me is that they just challenged all of the low life hackers with no lives to try and hack their game. It will surely be full of aimbots, wallhacks, no clip, speed hacks, no gravity, no recoil, unlimited ammo, server freezing hacks with a week or two.


4865d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wolf did you play the full version of the game? The graphics are really good, the game play is fun and fluid, plenty of game play modes and the bottom line is the game is a ton of fun. You kids always run your mouths but never offer specific details on y a game inst up to your standards.

Now i can understand if you want the "traditional socom" if you want that style of game play you can go to custom matches and change it to CLASSIC!! i find this game to be a pure c...

4865d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

OMFG!!! the Ghetto Boyz OH MY LAWD these cats NEVER DISAPPOINT!!!! this is Hueynewton2010 whats up!!!

4883d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment