
CRank: 5Score: 18100

I want to know how they did it. This shouldn't even be possible. Looks more like forward compatibility!

3274d ago 39 agree8 disagreeView comment

The crowd cheered more to Black Ops 3 than they did to any other game, from any of the other conferences before Sony's. If a Sony executive had walked on the stage and gave the crowd the middle finger, they'd still cheer their balls off.

Proof that Sony fanboys are the most gullible, and the most obnoxious of them all.

Hail Sony

3274d ago 9 agree16 disagreeView comment

Sony is not humble they're the most arrogant of all companies.

And if you'd paid attention you'd know that MS has congratulated Sony many times since 2013. Way more than Sony actually.

Please check your facts.

3274d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Says the guy who said Sony won E3. None of the new games they showed comes out this year, and two of the biggest games Sony showed were timed exclusives.

MS showed backwards compatibility, game previews and mods. Do you have any idea how much i've wanted game previews and mods on consoles, just like on PC? And thanks to DX12 and Windows 10, there will be alot more mods and early access games on XO in the future with easy porting and unified OS. The lack of mods and early ...

3275d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

What about the countless of jabs Sony has done towards their competitors over several years? No-one takes more jabs at competition as Sony.

Look at all the Sony fanboys here on N4G saying BC is useless now and nobody really cares. But if Sony had announced it, the fanboys of this cesspool of a website would be ecstatic.

3276d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

Haha nope. It will be relesead on PC a year later after Xbox like DR3 and Ryse. It will NEVER come to PS4.

3279d ago 17 agree17 disagreeView comment

LOL people still think this game is coming to PS4. It will be Xbox first then PC. It will never come to PS4

3279d ago 39 agree39 disagreeView comment

Good thing it wasn't true. Konami would probably be bombarded with death threats from the sony fanboys. Same thing that happened to Square Enix because of the Tomb Raider deal with MS.

3293d ago 3 agree17 disagreeView comment

Is Sony paying you?

Serious question.

3295d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

"Thanks to N4G user Transistor for the tip"

What a shock. I bet you tried your hardest to get Rashid to write that article to fuel your anti-xbox agenda. Now go and pray to Sony.

3295d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

Sony have copied MS and Nintendo all the time. You fail so hard.

Sony has always tried so desperately hard to be X360

3295d ago 13 agree29 disagreeView comment

The water looks different because PS4 has more wind on that part. Look at the grass.

Most of these comparisons are stupid because the weather in Witcher 3 is random. Sometimes it's more windy on XO and sometimes on PS4.

3297d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

The Sony fanboys on N4G are so stupid that they actually agree with your comment because they think you're serious.

It's almost like Sony is a God to them or something.

3314d ago 24 agree27 disagreeView comment

Sony have constantly deceived people with CGI trailers, especially since the PS3 reveal era (remember Killzone 2? Biggest lie in the histor if gaming).

Not to mention this:

Hey Sony lied about Witcher 3 gameplay too why aren't people ...

3314d ago 35 agree67 disagreeView comment

That's funny.

3314d ago 7 agree11 disagreeView comment

Sony have done the exact same thing:

Sony should check their PhotoShop skills lmao

3314d ago 7 agree22 disagreeView comment

Umm no you didn't. You troll almost every Xbox article.

3327d ago 10 agree22 disagreeView comment

This has nothing to do with XBL. This is an issue that has to be fixed at 343 Industries.

3327d ago 12 agree7 disagreeView comment

The fanboy is strong with this one

3331d ago 14 agree7 disagreeView comment

It's just tech talk, how is that a bad thing?

3335d ago 19 agree1 disagreeView comment