
CRank: 17Score: 209025

I dont care if its the greatest game in the world, one game for 20 years? Look at MGS4, its still the best game on the market but the sales are slowly declining every day, let alone its graphics brillants was surpassed by killzone 2 already. Im sure Killzone 2 will be surpassed here soon too. So thats why you release Duke Nukem when its close to done and begin working on another one! Its only going to bring money for so long and working on it for 10 years is way too long, 10 years = 4 months ...

5609d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

All this reminds me of when PS3 was still coming out and on Sonys offical site they had smoke that would run down the sides of the system. The smoke was generated using an Apple program so the logo showed up faintly for a split second when you first logged in the page and everyone freaked out "OMG APPLE MAKING PS3 WITH SONY!!!!" and it was merely taken down an hour later. Things like this are just hidden mistakes that are not supposed to be seen, but since your look at every last sq...

5610d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wtf is this "which were highly possibly illegally released" Dont take the "he is not english" route either because he is a lawyer, a lawyer of a PR market like Sony's that does with international affairs will speak english just fine. So therefore this has nothing to do with sony and its either a coverup on sponges part to slip under the "its funstation all along" and squeezing out hits as much as possible or this chinese knockoff company is trying to hurry up and...

5610d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Remember the "OMG SONY WORKING WITH APPLE!!!!!" When Sony used an Apple program to generate the smoke effect around the PS3 on their offical site before launch lol. Something like this isnt meant to be apart of the clues....its just something they didnt catch.

5610d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

At least those "mislead" writers can spell "right" ... well... right. ;)haha

5610d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The people that truly want MGS4 will just plane go out and buy a PS3 to play it and be happy. If these "fanboys" want it so bad they would do the same. Its either they want it just to laugh in PS3 fans faces or they want it but are so biased they never thought they could actually buy a PS3 to play it. Its sad. The comment above us is exactly right, when has PS3 fans ever "begged" to have a 360 exclusive no matter what it was? We walk by Halo, Gears of War, and Fable every ...

5610d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

But Lunar Knights, another really popular Kojima game is also in the 5th installment. Its not the same art style but always an option. The 5 could also mean F5 as in a tornado, where tornado outbreak is the meaning of 5 or more tornados in one area at the same time. Tornado Outbreaks occur on the plane states of America most often, which is what this field may represent. Then of course MGS4 Substance or MGS5, but if it is MGS5 dont expect it to be out anytime soon. Could also resemble a begin...

5610d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Under the radar would be more like releasing consoles that are known to have RROD off the assembly line just so they can beat the competing consoles by a year....Oh wait that did happen haha. Sony isnt "under the radar" their systems are just lasting longer. Why should people go on a forum and post "My launch console is working fine how do i break it!!!" ? No when your console breaks you post asking for help, thats why you see that more commonly. I have a fat PS2 that is w...

5610d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Isnt it the 360 owners that brag each and every day of all the exclusives and good games they have over the PS3? Then all of a sudden a hint that the greatest game ever made might go to PS3 pops up and they are all begging like dogs? Turns out that when Sony starts pumping its first parties we get good games, who would of thought?

I hope kojima makes something new and adds trophy support to the game, thats all i ask for.

Kojima = japanese = sony japanese and bt...

5613d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Could of took a picture of the poster hanging in my local gamestop about a month ago if i knew no one knew about it...

5613d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I notices Sony works hand in hand with Insomniac updates and they are making Resistance go on home tomorrow and be launched from there, maybe that is apart of the random update?

5614d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Kojima is one of the very few guys that can build a game with an actual STORY, would be disapointed if all this hype goes into nothing like this...

5615d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Epic games is now making Duke Nukem and it will be out under the Unreal Engine revamp. Annnouncment comes at E3. I called it haha

5616d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Once you get over the "WOW ITS METALLICA" feel...the game sucks. Give it a 7...There is no point to it, you can play the story mode but why when all the songs are already unlocked? Let alone the gameplay is crap compared to Rock Band releases. Just my opinion and im a huge MEtallica fan so of course i bought this, even though im a rock band fan. You know give GH a chance its been a while! Nope still sucks and went back to rock band already.

5617d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

UT3 had it and it was like a comp but i still put down the keybaord and mouse for my controller. I think its what your used to, therefore your better off playing with it. No harm in having an option for both, but i was doing just fine playing against people using keyboards and mice.

And to the guy above me....Why fix whats not broken? The dualshock is the most comfortable controller i ever used, fits in my hands perfectly. Let alone i have no idea why this article or your comm...

5617d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yet they are still screwing us, how is this leaning on PS3? You expect more sales one PS3 yet your still "showing your thanks for MS support" by giving them exclusives? You forget PS2 was your console of choice and how much Sony did for you? Oh wait they didnt buy out exclusives rights and didnt pay you to screw them over for DMC4... I dont likw how Capcom is running right now. Where are the promised trophy updates for games like DMC 4? Where are sonys exclusive content? Why are you...

5620d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

If we didn't care sony wouldn't have done it, if you (as in xbox fanboy) didn't care they wouldn;t have done it....Time to get a taste of your own medicine and what do you do? Cry haha

Like people said up above me, MS started it so you have no one but the company you praise everyday for this happening. Sony owns it and had the opportunity to take action at an exclusive and took it, end of story. They dont care how any other coneole gamers feel, they are taking care of their own...

5621d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment
5676d ago

I thought 360 fanboys were bad but you two just put icing on the fanboy cake. A site posing as a 360 site? Just cust they dont glorifi every little thing about ps3? In the end of the article does it not say "im sure GG is on top of it" AND "here is to the great future ahead"? Come on....It takes a true fan to admit mistakes and help make games better, unlike the real kids (you guys) that just think everything with Sony's name on it is god.

If this article s...

5680d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think it would be funny if they just ported over a standard japanese commercials and used that lol. Would be very good marketing on Sony's part in my opinion but i dont see it happening.

5732d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment