CRank: 5Score: 15330

The games share a main character, but in most cases the stories are 100% standalone. Sometimes you'll have a recurring side character or a joke or reference that makes more sense if you've played some of the other games, but in general I don't feel as though playing prior games is required. My first ys was 8 and I absolutely loved it.

1242d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hate to be that guy but it isnt even fallout 4, it's fallout 3 and new vegas.

2728d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I only played through 1 race which barely constitutes enough playtime to form a full opinion on but I didn't have any issues with motion sickness, only real complaint is some of the graphics looks abnormally flat and objects in the distance were a bit murky. The only game I have played thus far that even hinted at motion sickness was the rollercoaster section of the Until Dawn: Blood rush demo on the demo disc (Yes i realize the whole game is on rails like a roller coaster but there is a ...

2810d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Was about to come in and reply the same as Aenea, the rumored Neo spec is a rx480 running at 953Mhz instead of the 1200Mhz that the PC card does which would result in the tflops number being closer to 4 instead of 5.

Where as the scorpio will likely run a slightly underclocked version of Vega, the only point of contention with the vega theory is that it seems that the scorpio will be using some form of gddr5 vram either 8gbps on a 384 bit bus or gddr5x (therefore 10+ gbps) ...

2920d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Regardless of how i feel about the rest of the content got to say i got a good laugh out of "Never goes on the payload" on every single one. Best.

2938d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Personally didn't find them to be too hard and I enjoyed the change of pace from the rest of the game as a whole, but I do understand why people would prefer to skip them as forcing the player into a completely different genre can cause some undo strain.

2954d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Linked video fumbles the megaton town reference joke by calling it megatron and refers to a final fantasy 8 remake, seems like a reliable source of information.

3291d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh boy. If anything most of this article can be summed up as very literal clothing for characters. Obviously the concept of the chainmail bikini may be far fetched and potentially offensive, but the princess looking like well a..... princess shouldn't really be something to be offended by. Regardless of gender, characters that aren't the main character are generally going to be less in depth and presented in a more literal fashion (hah pun).

The article makes it sound...

3521d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Haven't played too much into the story but from I have gotten through, the initial ascension of the pathetic orc named Ratbag is pretty funny. Mostly just enjoying running around doing all the dynamic side quests, getting myself in over my head fighting 3 captains at a time and the awesome feeling of almost dying multiple times but managing to lop off each one of their heads without actually dying. So satisfying.

3553d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Trying to be positive: 2015 is going to be awesome.

That being said considering how short this game has actually been on the radar, it would have been a miracle had it actually launched in 2014

3611d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Delaying a game doesn't instantly make it a good game or perfect by any measure, common sense as well plenty of anecdotal evidence supports this, so no argument there. However I would generally argue that delays do make it better, the question is better than what? I assume the reason many of these games are delayed is not because they have yet to reach intended perfection but instead because they currently fall below the threshold for being deemed even acceptable.


3643d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Edit: The article used to spell it wrong, but it has been fixed now.

When i originally visited the article, they spelled it CREED as well, but it appears that error has since been fixed.

3643d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Couldn't help but swing by here to chuckle. The system in the game is CREDD with 2 'D's. This isn't a grammar nazi thing, it just made me think of Assassin's Creed and playing Wildstar as if it was another assassin's creed game. Which is surprisingly accurate since i play a stalker :D

3643d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Just because you don't like something doesn't mean others won't find it to be great and appealing "

Agree 100%.

However the rest of it just seems purposely inflammatory. There are obnoxious fans on both sides of the argument for sure. While I have no doubt you've run into some particularity abrasive Sony Fanboys, I dont think this makes the group as a whole any different than the others.

For the purpose of attemptin...

3643d ago 14 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Capcom considers that the game is best played at 30fps as there might be some bugs with the framerate unlocked"

Wait... what?

3658d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sometimes things don't go exactly as planned during development and concessions are needed to not otherwise compromise the other elements of the game. However, if they really are intending 60fps as a core experience, they could get away with saying it will be 60fps and that they are targeting 1080p.

3659d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

The headline is a bit misleading, the article is really just spotlighting 9 different games that respectfully handled gay representation. Therefore they're great for gay gamers as it suggest some form of progress toward "equality" in gaming.

3660d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

So it wont join your game selection because something that was true of the series before is still true.

If the game supports specific character appearance customization and excludes your gender of choice, there might be some room for complaint. But boycotting a game mid series over something that's been that way the whole time is silly.

3660d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

10 terrible websites that completely ruined videogame news sites.

#1: This terrible site.

3661d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

Offtopic but.... that conchita wurst (submission pic).

3662d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment