CRank: 5Score: 34680

In the trailer you can see a guy with javlin killing 2x people... I'M SO HAPPY :D

Also 60mm Mortar? :O
Another thing that i was hoping for in BF3, but... will it be a call in mortar, or a FUCKING mortar you carry with you?

In the trailer, you see a driving little IDE clearing drone, seeing how that isnt in the "Weapons" im guessing its stasionary, like the flying drone in BC2?

4692d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Day #1 no doubt.
Seems like getting around the open world is alot faster then I previously emagined... I like it.

4699d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, letting your mates run around as the crew members can add a lot of replayabilty.

4727d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

They could have it so you can play 3 player co-op with buddies.
The buddies playing 2x random blank soldiers, but from you friends perspective, he is playing shepard, but from your point of veiw, he is still that blank soldier.

And having the co-op being "invite", so you could do missions again, but not missions longer out in the game(not to be spoiled?!).
Will have to do something regarding the "choices" doh.
Maybe have it so "...

4727d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

The only good thing with a Left analog(movement) is when I need to vary my movement speed.
Apart from that, I move more fluently with AWSD then analog.

4733d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Sometimes... I just want to shoot, and shoot for a continues 10 min.
And thats when its not to good for me or the TEAM that I run and gun in a objective based Mode.
Thats when TDM is great for ME.

Thoose times when I only have a few 10 minutes before irl calls with some lame excuse to pull me away from the computer.
I know I'm not alone in that statement, and I know Dice Knows.
So Yeah for TDM mode.

4736d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, that was cool :D
When is part 2 and 3 coming up?

4736d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah Im now getting "Error initializing session manager" when pressing start, at the start menu :(
Got in once and "Agreed" to the TOS, but right after wards(As I see sully run into the the view), I got kicked back out, claiming I'm signed out of PSN :(

4741d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its up in Norway.
I had to go to the "PSN+" section, and there it was.
It was the only "New" thing in the PSN+ section as well.

95% done downloading :)
Getting roughly 2mb/s

Edit: Yeah Im now getting "Error initializing session manager" when pressing start, at the start menu :(

Edit#2: Yeah Now I got inn :D

Edit#3: And now I got kicked out and getting that same error aga...

4741d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its a damn shame that they havnt released this on the DAY the game came out.
I've already played the singel player, and gotten bored with the Mp, I've got little to no reason to go back.
And now they give out the Dx11 patch... just goes to show, they pushed out the game without it being ready.

Yes I'm grumpy regarding "THIS" kind of scheem.
Such a waste.

4746d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm pretty sure they got a working battle recorder behind the scenes, but i'm really in doubt that it will see the light of PUBLIC domain.

They got some theater options by default, to make thoose trailers, all fancy and stuff, but they are atm(Potensially), not very "user" friendly.

Will, they release it?
I'm guessing it still is on the cutting floor, with a potensial to end up in the Disc, and thus "no comment".

4747d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, that was accually pretty neat.
Small stuff, but really good.

4749d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

"No contact with the server, please try again later" :(

4749d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

To bad they didnt have 1x of the PC to stream LIVE, onto the internet, so we could get some QUALITY footage, and not some hand held cam :\
But at least it is footage :)

4761d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You cant honestly blame them for giving the Casuals at E3 some infantry combat?
Its the most "Straigh Forward" gameplay.
Not needing to use "some" time on getting to know the controlls of different vechiles, just to play for 20-30 min, and then get shooed out for the next wave of people that want to play the game.

Dont worry the Jets and stuff will come.

4761d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its the "rush" mode, they start at the park, make their way trough the subway(Which YES, is cramped), and then you pop up out in the City.
It IS a big map.

4761d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm getting both, but im more interested in bf3 then mw3.
Played 750 hours in bf2, and thats probably more then all of the cods I've played totalled.

Yes, on the PC @120 fps, why?

4761d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

No dedicated servers eh?
Hopefully that part is false, and accually have dedicated servesr.
I really dont want to experiance the pain of P2P on PC again.
The amount of abuse in MW2 was incredible...

4768d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As long as its up everywhere, and not just in the States.
And have it up by E3 :p

4768d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If anything, it might be some "Gesture" stuff.. like the interupt in ME2.
Shake your fist at the TV, you do a renegade(When promted), Or just press the Left Bumper :D

Or maybe facial capture?
Like, put your face on Shepards head?
But if so, then it would be on the PS3 and pc as well right?

4768d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment