going to E3!


CRank: 26Score: 489100

Yes it IS worth talking about every single day until MS fixes the problem.

If someone was breaking into your house all the time, wouldnt you call the police each time so they would catch the guy?

Or would you just be like, crap, he broke into my house again, I am sick of him breaking in my house.

Yes kinda of a bad example. But it seems like the failure rate would just be swept under the rug, if all these sites werent reporting it.

MS isnt ...

6067d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

At this point Toshiba cant even say "let the consumer choose" because its not even going to be sold anywhere much longer.

All we need now is for Amazon.com and Target to follow suit, and you wont even be able to buy a HD-DVD.

I wonder what Universal, and Paramount are thinking right now.

6067d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Make like Italy?

6068d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why cant anyone just accept the fact that Sony won January.

If this is a sign of whats to come in 08, I am very glad to be a PS3 launch owner.

This boost is due to

A) The media. Media is finally giving Sony credit, and respect. Almost every site on the internet has been saying that 08 is the year of the PS3. That is sure to sway sales

B) Warner goes Blu... This was sure to increase PS3 sales as a Blu-Ray player.

C) PS2 fra...

6068d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I know way too many people with multiple broken 360's to believe that the percentage is only 16%

Obviously I am over exaggerating here but from what I have seen its more like 16% success rate.

I have one friend who has gone through 6 360s.

Everytime I said to myself "Im gonna go buy a 360" another friend would tell me his broke.

6069d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

I am seriously getting pissed at Universal, and Paramount at this point.

They are not at all looking out for the consumers best interest.

What I dont get either, is dont they like money? I thought all corporations were out to SELL, and make MONEY.

They cant be selling all that much and that equals not much money.
Why dont they wake up and realize that to make money they need to release their titles in Blu-Ray

6069d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That GAMEREVOLER is terrible. I read only 2 pages because I kept getting killed with ads.
I gave up.

I dont need to read that crappy site that badly that I am willing to sit through stupid ads.

6069d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I though MS was out to basically own the Digital Distribution scene.
Why would they want to split the profits with NetFlix?

Or are they just partnering with NetFlix because its known as a quality rental service, giving their (MS) digital download service more credibility

6070d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

One of the best articles I have ever read on N4G, or any gaming site for that matter.

6071d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Has anyone actually got this demo to work on their US PSP?

It keeps telling me my PSP certificate is to another user account.

6075d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cracking PS3 = Still expensive games = Not PS2 all over again.

I dont think you realize that part of the reason the PS3 hasnt been cracked is because its not really worth the effort. At least not yet.

Blu-Ray Disc Burners are very expensive >$249
Blank BD-ROMs are also pretty pricey.
Plus the chance of bricking an expensive console.
All these things make this a much different situation than what happened with the PS2, and much much more costly...

6077d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I did this a long time ago already with each account having that country's respective flag

6090d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow I got to get me one of those when it comes out. Very nice indeed.

Maybe the PS3s open approach to bluetooth Accessories is gonna shine soon.

Now if we only had better mic support.

6106d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wonder what this "HUGE" announcement Gates is supposed to make actually is?

And it whatever it is I wonder if it was really supposed to have been a 360 Ultimate with HD-DVD.

Obviously they cant announce that now, as its basically like announcing they are releasing a product guaranteed to fail.

I have 3 theories of what MS has up its sleeve.

A)Microsoft portable Zune redesign with gaming functions.
B)Full launch of ...

6108d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

C.R.E.A.M. is a song by the Wu-Tang Clan during the early 90s.

I was in High School then and was a HUGE fan.

6109d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony didnt have to pay Warner because Blu-Ray sales speak for themselves.
Blu-Ray is the clear choice in the format war. It is the superior format.

PS3 will benefit huge from this.

This is great to read as its nice to see that Sony wouldnt stoop as low as Toshiba and MicroSoft had to pay for support.

That is like paying for friends.

Only a loser would do that, and now only a loser would back HD-DVD.

Sony keeps its ...

6109d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

When they finally have this canceled Press Conference...
They will be announcing that HD DVD is canceled...

For them to be canceling this press conference proves that there is no coming back.


Sony you done it this time.

PS3 helped push Blu-Ray to the finish line. Without PS3 this war could have been alot longer.

Blu-Ray will now return the favor, and effectively bring down the cost of the Blu-Ray drive...

6109d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I own stock in Blu-Ray.


6109d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

From the looks of this Sony made the RIGHT decision by putting Blu-Ray in the Playstation 3.

This is a kill two birds one stone situation for Sony.

PlayStation 3 as BD player has increased Blu-Ray sales, enough for it to garner the most studio support. It made it so every PS3 sold is a Blu-Ray player sold.

PS3 helps Blu-Ray.

Blu-Ray will most likely be the HD format of choice from here on out.
This will result in the cost of ...

6109d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

From the looks of this Sony made the RIGHT decision by putting Blu-Ray in the Playstation 3.

This is a kill two birds one stone situation for Sony.

PlayStation 3 as BD player has increased Blu-Ray sales, enough for it to garner the most studio support. It made it so every PS3 sold is a Blu-Ray player sold.

PS3 helps Blu-Ray.

Blu-Ray will most likely be the HD format of choice from here on out.
This will result in the cost of ...

6109d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment