
CRank: 8Score: 7030

@knightedHollow - a 1/10 is for games that have profound functionality/design issues but can be completed. We reserve 0/10 for games that have game breaking bugs so that we can't complete it.

1205d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

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1205d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@traumadisaster - I take your point. I'm not keen on seeing article authors jump into N4G comments to defend their writing either. In this instance, I felt like I needed too.

1205d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

We have a review policy that shows what each score means. 1 is "Terrible – The lowest score that a functional game can get. If a game is awarded a 1/10 it may have functional issues (but is still somewhat playable) or have incredible design/execution flaws (or both)."

I think if you read the review, you'll agree that the points align with a 1/10.