CRank: 5Score: 810

Congratulation Sony now do your thing being the best.

PS3 is a success get over it.

5263d ago 12 agree2 disagreeView comment

Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core
Metal Gear Solid Series
God of War Chains of Olympus
Grand Theft Auto Series
Ratchet & Clank Size Matter
Resistance Retribution
Syphon Filter Series
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep
PSOne Classics

5279d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Another disproportionate and questionable move by Microsoft & Square-Enix.

SCEE seriously questions their allocation of funds, instead of taking the correct route and securing their own first party studios to enhance the gaming experience on their console, they waste funds on securing franchises that have jumped the shark.

Valkyrie Profile will be far superior on PlayStation®3 due to it's structure to produce grand scale games, with the Cell Processor and th...

5281d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Absolutely not, Xbox 360's lineup has been terrible since it's inception in 2005, instead of progressing, Microsoft has regressed.

Their regression has taken a nose dive so deep that you have an easier time bringing the Titanic back afloat.

& to answer this in the simplest form:


When you have graphics titan titles such as Killzone 2, Uncharted 2 and then the unlimited content of AAA exclusives that are only possible on PlayStation...

5282d ago 16 agree4 disagreeView comment

Articles like this is one of the primary reasons why websites like is regarded as an unpopular and unknown website today.

Xbox 360 should belong in any category that's affiliated with these words:


There's several reasons to dislike Xbox 360 and absolutely zero reasons to like the system, with their lineup of games ranging f...

5283d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

*Wrong Post*

5283d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Alan Wake is certainly been devised as a counter productive exit towards the inevitable Xbox 360's demise.

With it's gameplay and features clearly suffering due to the Xbox 360's inferior architecture, Alan Wake is going to the wasteland where all the spawns and demons of the gaming world that Sony created lay to perish.

Alan Wake will be the host of all of the upcoming Xbox 360 games that will suffer a laughable demise. Halo (out of)Reach, Crackdown 2(1.5), Splinter...

5283d ago 27 agree11 disagreeView comment

When it comes to hardware manufacturing, Microsoft just cannot seem to get things right.

It baffles us how one company can make so many blundering mistakes after another on a day by day, week by week, year by year basis, but somehow, Microsoft has managed to achieve this embarrassing feat.

Natal will be one of the biggest technological mistakes ever to be made in gaming history, it's clearly obvious when Microsoft was developing this system, they had only PlayStation...

5283d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did Micro$oft Game Room failed & got overshadowed by PlayStation®Home's success combined with the dominating lines of AAA PSN exclusives?

SCEE thinks so.

Micro$ Slaves are at an immense loss in regards to the failure of a service on their console, their brains and emotions are so scrambled, that they must feel the need to channel their frustration towards PlayStation®Home we finds great humor in the fact that all of the pain and frustration that Micro$o...

5283d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

SCEE's predictions:

E3 is already in the bag for Sony, SCEE will be patiently waiting as Micro$oft will come out with bullets of sweat as their lack of preparation will result in the 1st round knockout that both Jack Tretton & Kevin Butler will deliver this E3.

Micro$oft Slaves, your console has diminished into nothing, E3 is going to be nothing more than announcements of shovel-ware for Natal and DLC content for titles that have no meaning or influence to the ga...

5283d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

SCEA's secret weapons this E3:

AAA 1st Party Exclusives + Exiting & Innovated PlayStation®Move Titles + Kevin Butler.

5283d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

When it comes to groundbreaking announcements and general overall "wow" factor, Sony Computer Entertainment is bar none the best at this metric.

Simply because PLAYSTATION®3 has proven itself to be the complete home entertainment terminal this generation through sheer innovation and incredible foresight.

SCEE is looking forward for E3 2010 as Sony dominate the show again this year plus happy beta testing Micro$oft Slaves.


5283d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

SCEE's predictions:

- Microsoft will throw in the towel and admit that their long term plans have been thwarted by the onslaught of Sony's PLAYSTATION®3 success.

- Splinter Cell Conviction will more than likely become announced as a multiplatform title & will be vastly inferior on the Xbox 360, Microsoft will be exposed as the liars that they are once again.

- Micro$oft Slaves will be drenched in tears as Splinter Cell Conviction WILL NOT be as ...

5283d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

*Wrong Post*

5283d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Disappointing trailer to say the least.

Splinter Cell Conviction was released under the impression of being a joke of a game, especially compared with the likes of Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns Of The Patriots.

This series will now officially Rest in Piss.

Happy Beta Testing Micro$oft Slaves.


5284d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

Some of the best exclusives this gen, only on PLAYSTATION®3 sorry.

5284d ago 15 agree2 disagreeView comment

This further reaffirms that the PLAYSTATION®3's exclusives are the superior this generation.

Micro$oft Slaves first and foremost do not deserve such excellent games, which further explains why their console lacks true exclusives.


5284d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment