
CRank: 5Score: 2820

I own both of first games. I have both systems and am a fan of both. And already have R2 and will have GOW2 when it comes out. Unfortunately I played Resistance before Gears of War. And it made my opinion of Gears go down some. It’s a great game but I personally had more fun with Resistance. Graphic sound charter development and story are all debatable but I give the edge in story to resistance due to the tones of dept that can be found on their website the supports the game play. If you foll...

5798d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I actually do think that the service is not worth its cost. Don’t get me wrong I love downloading updates and demos and stuff but I Don’t have much fun playing games online because it seems like a large number of people are just total assholes! Racist, rude, whiny, or just stupid people that make the games no fun. I can’t say they are not one PSN because I don’t know but I do know I pay for Live. I do my part and report these types but it never fails every time I jump in the game there is som...

5840d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why do people get all upset when some else is not happy with there service. He is pointing out a fact of the business. If your cable was down for a day for an update or your phone was turned off even for a few hours you might not be happy. Its the customers right to complain if they are not happy with there service. And it is ignorant to say stuff like if you don't like it then don't buy it. Because most people that have made the investments in there games and systems have no choice if they w...

5840d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

If I didnt already own a ps3 id buy one for this game!

5841d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I wish I had not bought 2 years worth of live. when it runs out i'm done with it. I loved it at first but after awhile I couldn't see what I was paying for. They online games I muted everyone and eventually stopped playing because of all the racist, annoying, rude, and boring people on them. Most of my friends let there subscriptions laps and dot play online with xbox or have jumped over to PS3. And now PS3 has a very good online system. In fact the only thing I wish I could use is the xbox m...

5882d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

to be honest most of my friends are dropping off live. Atleast till another good FPS comes out. Halo and COD4 kept them going but most of them are playing single player games right now. And its because of cost. I love the service live gives i hope sonys will get there. One thing I have always hated is that you buy the system and the service and you get only once account. Well there are other people in my house. I bought 4 controllers but my wife can get online under her account unless I want ...

5902d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

You guys are right on this guy doesnt know what he is talking about! Just look what is his number one! If Contra doesnt make the list the list is no good!

5940d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you don't like something the it is your right and duty to do what you can to try and make things right. People complained about the rrod and it made things better. If you don't agree with the argument thats fine but if it gets the xbox team involved you should be happy because all it will do is make things better for all of us.

5951d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I spent an hour online yesterday in GTA because I loved the game and finally beat it I thought I'd finally play the online to enjoy the game a little more. The first game was fine. the 2nd I get on a team with a kid that sounds like he is 10 to 12 and floods the channel with the N word so much that no one else can even talk. Calling us all a racist slur was not a joke and not funny. I an mixed and didn't like it. And there were a few people that were black in the game and they didn't find it ...

5951d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now I know what system to buy it on. Every game thats on more than one system gives me a headach. You never know what they are going to screw up on one version that will be great on the other. Its nice to see I'll be able to dust off the ps3 again. =]

6188d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I liked the game and play online almost everyday. Its single player games is ok. I liked most all of the battles the story is my only real complaint. I thought the graphics were decent not amazing (see mass effect). All in all I really liked it but it being the 3rd one not a lot changed so I had a been there done that feeling. Even in multi player no one wants to play the new matches. When a new match comes up you hear VVVVVVEEEETTTTOOO!!!!! over and over till you mute them. all in all I give...

6188d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sony’s pr department must be on crack for some of the ad's that they have made. the one with the baby doll crying is scary and most don’t make any sense. who has seen the crazy Euro ad's? Please Sony find a good company to help you advertise your stuff. That said this is the best one Ive seen. not sure if its good or that because the others are sooooo bad that I like this one.

6189d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I bought a usb converter from radio shcak and use my ps2 controllers all the time. I did this with lair when I first got it. It works fine all but the 180. I still like playing it thr right way better.

6189d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love Halo 3. But like him I didnt play the first 2 and was lost. I just love the multi player with friends.

6196d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not even sure what that is. But Viva Pinata is not Halo. Master Chief is the MS icon. They cant let him appear on another system. If it happens great! I'm a Halo fan and would love a hand healed version. I just don’t think its good business to let your competitor make money off your product. And everyone knows MS is never one to help out there competition.

6197d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

No way MS would let this out on a Nintendo product. But if this is bungie's baby it may still come out now that they split.

6197d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Great now I have to buy both. atleast they have some time between them so I can play one at a time and not have to switch back and forth for awhile.

6274d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment