
CRank: 5Score: 118000

There is no confusing messaging from Xbox, they say what they want their fans to hear but then do what they want to do.

11d ago 26 agree1 disagreeView comment

Jeanne D'Arc!!!!


16d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Nice, had Crisis Core in my wishlist (was waiting for a great sale since I have a huge backlog), this saves me that.

16d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

LOL, I mean, they should have known this was going to happen after MS spent like $65 BILLION dollars in acquisitions, they thought they were going to get all those games for no additional out pocket?

I guess they were too busy being happy about MS taking FROM the competition, not adding TO.

16d ago 58 agree6 disagreeView comment

What if they just wanted a cool looking pizza kit? LOL

19d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

Agree, besides the fact that it might be a Switch 2 game because of the slightly improved looks, it did not show anything that we have not seen before, to be super fair, we had a very limited glance at it, but at the same time I would like to think that since this trailer was assembled, they knew what they were showing

It looked slow, not in a good, metroid exploration way.

Hopefully we get a more distinct game once we have a proper showing.

29d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

It did not make sense at the time of launch, it makes even less sense now.

35d ago 60 agree2 disagreeView comment

This game looks like crap, saw the gameplay and they took away everything that made Dragon Age NOT Mass Effect.

42d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not only that, it can ONLY improve sales numbers, it has only been out for a few months as of now, sales numbers will only go up from here.

Happy for them, the game deserves it, it's a much better game than the metacritic score might say.

44d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment

I mean, we do have to factor than MS spent 60+ BILLION dollars to be able to have a showcase like that.

We also need to factor that regardless of how great the show was, a large % of those games including COD and DOOM are coming out on PS5 day and date.

Still kind of incredible to think they are giving all those games day one on GP, if they do not increase yearly it is an incredible value.

45d ago 30 agree7 disagreeView comment

I mean, yes, it was an Activision, Blizzard, Bethesda presentation, they just so happened to buy all of those publishers, nothing we would not have seen on any other award show if they had not bought developers that were and STILL are developing multiplatform games.

If you remove them you are left with Microsoft game studios, another Fable, Another Gears, Perfect Dark which for me didn't look all that great, Avowed, Age of mythology and south of midnight (might be missi...

46d ago 13 agree7 disagreeView comment

Basically 50% of them could not play it past 30 minutes, and it's basically "free" for them, what a joke, what a disaster

48d ago 14 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah, looks VERY generic, also $40, I guess it could have been more expensive but for the type of game they are selling and the oversaturated market we have, Free to play should have been the only way to release this for it to have any kind of chance.

50d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

How in the hell does something that CLEARLY needs to be programmed as an option make itself out to be a bug, there is no way in hell buying lives just happened out of thin air as a "bug".

What a bunch of crap, at the very least say it was something that at some point got its way into the game to then be removed but still in the code.

50d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bend, Media Molecule, Polyphony and Guerrilla on "Hybrid" titles? I wonder what they call Hybrid, PvP? PvE? Single player AND multiplayer? Hopefully we will know soon.

57d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

What a disaster, 2 failures in a row for Ninja Theory, first Bleeding edge, now Hellblade 2, any way you slice it these are not the numbers the most awaited game of the year for Xbox should show (before Activision purchase), also player numbers is extremely low and even more surprising considering is day 1 on gamepass.

59d ago 18 agree3 disagreeView comment

All of you guys missed the point, I even said I'm very sure they did it ONLY because they wanted to be historically accurate. Stop defending this, we all know why they did it and who they want to pander, it's not out newfound respect for history.

63d ago 16 agree6 disagreeView comment

They sure as hell want to see if it is, time and time and time again.

64d ago 18 agree0 disagreeView comment

Feudal Japan DEI LGBTQ+ Samurai, sounds very accurate for the time period. Surely a decision made only with historical accuracy in mind.

64d ago 93 agree9 disagreeView comment


I agree, I love FFVII rebirth, but honestly, FFVII: Remake was I feel more focused, Rebirth is too open and too many things to do that at times takes you out of the story elements, add a few quests here and there, but no need (at least for me) to make it another Ubisoft open world game.

65d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment