
CRank: 5Score: 640

This was a horrible article. People are still complaining about the price point. What is Sony to do. Lower the price point And dig them selves deeper into debt. Sony responded the way they should have to Bobby kotic

5460d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

my ps3 just went down and all these great games are coming out. its cool tho. i just gotta call sony to send it in and im back.

5640d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i think the people that write these articles are of the same kind. i think some people are afraid of the sony's and the ps3 success. i know that sony has made some horrible mistakes in the past. but the ps3 is really coming up and proving that it is in the market to stay. i still think that 2008 was the year where the ps3 really showed that it was a great console to own. i just think some "people" or "fanboys" or whatever just dont want to admit success.

5640d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

man its too many people sayin the same crap, the ps3 has a good library of games and in fact right now the only games that you guys have that we dont is gears, halo, and mass effect. The ps3 is going to last long, the 360 not so much, i just hope all these supporters dont get hurt when your left behind again(xbox 720) in about two years

5817d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

i think till around mid 2009 when some of the other exclusives come out, but it dont really matter the 360 still is a fun system to play on, Test Drive Unlimited is awesome

5962d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

but im still jealous of the 360 for Ninja Gaiden 2, hopefully my hurry ups and gets his 360 fix then ill play it there

5962d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

rawd's comment made my day

5962d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

it does show that things are changing even a little for the ps3 and im glad about that, but its still funny to see the 360 Fanboys get mad as usual...Get over it man its cool, i come here every day and im noticing that a couple fanboys stick out like a sore thumb and kinda make themselves look kinda bad.(etownone). I swear if it has anything to do with the ps3 ill see etownone in the gamerzone and power of green in the openzone and if ya dont believe me then check. you guys are kinda sad

5962d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I dont know it just seems like you all just sound really scared to me cause if you guys dont have games then what really do you have.....hmm i guess i would be mad and talking senseless trash too

5967d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

im sure it will be a great game, that we wont own, dosent matter to me though cause i have never played a game that valve made. it seems like the 360 boys are really happy seems more life fear to me but what ever, in 2007 i had friends with 360's but now i have friends with ps3 that dont even care about bluray, they only cared about a futureproof system that wouldnt break of them... just my two cents

5968d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

maybe before, but now all of my friends already have or are getting ps3's so its the ps3 version for me

5990d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment