CRank: 5Score: 1530

Evidently someone didnt read the article.

3469d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

@irishyort You seem to be bias in your opinion of people who don't like Destiny. I didnt say opinion is right. It just seems petty for people to hit every story that says something good about Destiny ,just to degrade it.

And you seem to be in the I'm entitled camp just because you bought the game... seeing as "That's the least Bungie could do. "

"If" Your brother has cancer then that makes me sad. Ive lost family because of th...

3509d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't know whats more pathetic, people on here downplaying a good gesture from a company that really doesn't have to make anyones life better, or the fact you take time to come to a forum to say "Hey I'm over destiny" or how much you dislike the game.

NEWS FLASH , no one cares. You don't like the game good, but I could care less if you don't. Play something else and STFU.

Good Job Bungie.

3509d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Congrats Insomniac. Xbox owners finally get to play a game from a great developer. What I don't understand is why Xbox owners have to put it up against PS4 games? Still insecure? You guys have a great game, why cant you just leave it at that. Great game, Great developer, Great gaming, have fun.

3520d ago 4 agree14 disagreeView comment

@Saito if you don't like the game move on. Its sad when trolls take time out of their life, just to put other people down. Stop wasting your time and other peoples time , because you don't like something that some one else does.

Destiny is fun and I have been playing it since day one and play it every chance I get. I have seen this game as either people like it or don't , there isn't an in between.

What really funny is this game is still being...

3520d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

If I had a dollar for every time someone said "If I had a dollar"

3538d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

I see this a lot on this sight. Both Microsoft and Sony fans. You cant click on any article that deals with either side and see an entire comment section without at least one hate comment. It is really sad. Hell even PC owns are getting in on the war and saying PC is better than either console.
Internet really has pushed this crap to the next level.
Easier to say sh!t behind a keyboard than saying stuff to peoples face. Maybe when we can all grow up and realize that at the en...

3635d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Its funny how many people have down voted the site saying its click bait. If people would get over themselves and not be pro Sony or pro Microsoft, then this wouldn't be an issue .
When people can get over this bs then they we wont have click bate because no one would care. As long as people are drinking the console war Kool-Aid, gaming journalist's will keep giving us a glass full. Be a gamer not a petty "My console is better than your's" a$$. It demeans people ...

3735d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Here we go again. I site that actually asks a good question and guess what? A bunch of the same whiny gamers that the article talks about comes to do just that, whine.
Its funny how people say "Oh we put hundreds of hours in this game" bet you didnt put as much hours in the game as the Devs did creating "Their" vision.
Hmm did I say their vision.Its this freedom that is their right and yet we should get our way because we buy their product.

4457d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Wow. The more I come to this sight or any other,all I see is a bunch of crying gamers on how they have been treated poorly or been betrayed in some way. Get the hell over yourselves. It doesnt matter if its disk-locked content or downloadeable most dlc is made even before the games are released.
Its really upsetting to see gamers acting like this.From being pissed off about ME3 ending to Dantes new look to stupid stuff in between.If you dont like something then dont buy it!! its that ...

4459d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

oops misquote "for some gamer" still might as well be one.

4650d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Uhm anyone pay attention to the story? "One gamer" is having the problem.Unless its a typo one gamer isnt a big number.Day one purchase for me anyways,oh I have it pr-ordered.Anyways if you like demon souls,how could you not be excited about this game?

4650d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am so sick of hearing that Anonymous is for the gamers and the people.They are for publicity,which stories like these keep fueling the fire.Hackers need to just do stuff that only affect themselves and leave the rest of us alone.A hacker or hackers caused the PSN fiasco,so dont think that have any trust or love for any hacker.Just because you can do something doesnt mean you should do it just because you can.Just because you are smart and have nothing better to do than hack something doesnt...

4793d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think the main reason is (imo) that the economy sucks worse than last year and people like myself have to pick and choose more wisely because of money situations. I will pick up Enslaved eventually ,but for my money now I will have to pick 1 game and that game is Black ops. Some may not like the monster that is Black ops ,but this game is the main reason I would say that alot of games are getting overshadowed.

4974d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I have to agree with carb on this also. Lets see COD will be released on 11-9 and Kinect will be released....? With both of these things alone being released would only give GT5 a 1 week time period for sales.Even if you dont like COD and Kinect ,they will be big sellers. COD alone will sell through the roof. So it would be better to release near the Christmas Holiday. Just think about it. All GT5 fans out there plus Mom and Dad who do the Christmas shopping.Come on it doesnt take rocket scie...

4994d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sad to hear. I can understand the connection though.I played FF XI and started a static with a group.We played every weekend over a 2 yr span.Talking and joking around that long with people can make you feel close to them.We still keep in contact even though we havent played in yrs.I was hesitant to play an MMO,but I am glad I did.

5070d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sorry but sniping IMO is the easy way out in any FPS.Just stay back and kill people from a distance. I only use the sniper class in any FPS to get the unlocks and extras and then play an assault class of some sort.I have had snipers ruin all the fun in playing MW2 and BFBC2. WOW you can kill me with one shot at a distance or in MW2 you can kill me with one shot because you have the stopping power perk... go snipers.

5130d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment