
CRank: 5Score: 25110

They already added two more pvp servers earlier this week I'm sure well get more pve servers soon aswell because fore the past few nights all the ps3 servers were on high population or full. As a huge fan of both rpgs and dc comics this game is a dream come true. I love it

4997d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

In all fairness brother just because the servers are not open to us players until Tuesday doesn't mean that they are not open to reviewers. I'm not saying I completely trust this review but I rarely base my opinions on reviews. I loved the beta after the second patch I dident have anymore issues with freezing and a lot of other things had been fixed quickly for myself and a few others that I know. They showed me that they are at least trying to listen to the playerbase as much as they...

5004d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I said it before I refuse to buy anything released by Namco until we get the US versions of the Tales games, So until then games like Enslaved, and Majin will go unpurchased by me.

It's sad because I want to play these games but in truth all I want from Namco is Tales, it's the only reason Namco even matters anymore to alot of people.

Also there are just a ton of other games that offer more and better game for my money.

5072d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and severly broken as bullet time doesnt work in multiplayer, it becomes as situation where whoever hits slowmo first would be the winner.

5085d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm pretty sure it's sometimes between nov-dec bro, it's still being beta tested as far as I know right now.

5085d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

A US release has already been confirmed by level-5, the only thing we really need is a date for that release.

Also food for thought, Level-5 has created a branch of their studio in california with the express purpose of localizing their games to help ensure that they see release soon rather than later.

One of my most anticipated games of next year easy.

5085d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm still pumped for the game, I know there is a challange mode because it was the mode for the second demo. I also love the scoring system, gives me more incentive to go back and improve on my score.

It's one review, and yeah I like Gameinformer's reviews more than the average mag but i've played many games in which I disagreed entirely with them, so i'll wait until it gets a few more reviews.

Wasent there a story a few days ago where...

5088d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ok, so who exactly is the boss of what is game of the year or not? IGN? Gamespot? Gametrailers? GameInformer? The Spike VGAs?

I'm sure it was game of the year for some people, I wouldent call it game of the year in my opinion, but I will absolutely say that it is one of my favorite co-op games this entire gen.

I hated Mario Galaxy 2 but i'm sure it will be someones game of the year.

5089d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hence why reviews really boil down to one persons opinion, reviews so far have generally been in the 9's so I would say that it's being recived fairly well, only a few places have givin it below a 9( the lowest so far being gamespot and Gametrailers).

I don't understand why some complain about the fact that some games are influanced by other great games, as long as those influances are used to make the game better I say it's a good thing.


5105d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

please tell me your joking with your clearly misguided statement, you need to realize a couple of things before spouting nonsence.

First of all the EU territories almost always get the majority of games later then we do, where as a game will come out sometimes weeks or even months in the U.S before EU.

Second and this is an important piece of information, Castlevania, Assassins Creed, Killzone etc, are made by european developers, so it would make sence t...

5105d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I still think Pixel Junk Shooter is my favorite from Q games and I cannot wait for part 2, I would love to see them do an RPG with their awesome 2D style. Considering their love of making great pick up and play games though I doubt it would ever happen.

5110d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

All I can really say though is that if The Elder Scrolls 5, and Demon's Soul's two come out in any kind of similar time frame i'll have to cut myself off from the world for a few months to get some quality time with them.

Although thinking about it I think Oblivion took me about a year to do and find everything in the game, just too many hours logged into that game to count.

5136d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually if you look closely at the man in the chair he does look an awful lot like Don Vito (Marlon Brando) from The Godfather.

Perhaps they will announce a Godfather costume and lvl pack for LBP, although Japan would be an odd place to announce such a pack.

Still would like to know what the hell happened to the Final Fantasy stuff for LBP

5136d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe next time Nintendo will learn that you need to keep your fans happy to stay on top, because the mass market goes with the trends.

When a trend starts to die out with the Masses, and you've done almost nothing but piss off your fans for the past 3 years your bound to end up in a bad spot.

5440d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Why must you tease the rest of us with talk like that?

Can you atleast tell us what genre it falls under? I personally would like to see insomniac do an RPG, or an Adventure type game like Zelda or Castlevainia.

We still have no clue what their new north carolina studio is working on, and personally I can't wait to find out what it is.

I love insomniac. If nothing else you can always count on them for very good, if not great games.

5440d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I loved the first two games, I cannot wait to see what they do on the PS3. Now just give me a release date and i'll be happy.

Wonder how the soul diving will work, and what kind of costumes the ladies will have available to unlock.

If you havent played the first two games and have a backwards compat ps3 or a ps2, I would recommend checking them out if you like unique JRPGs.

5454d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wish I could get a job as VP of "Epic footage", seriously what better job could there be?

5467d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wonder if this has anything to do with Sony's new Play/Create/Share genre like LBP, and MNR, If this ends up being their RPG/Adventure game to tie into that fold it could be really cool.

Love the music, artstyle, just overall feel of the game now we just have to see if they will even bother bringing this stateside.

Come on Atlus!

5479d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well for one, as far as we have been told the mod tools will only be included within the PC version, and none of that content will come to the consoles, so thats a huge downfall for the consoles. (keep in mind I can only go by what has been said in past interviews).

Second is that alot of the more stratigic elements within the controls, and combat are being "Streamlined" for the console versions of the game. To make the game more friendly for console players.

5482d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The game has always had a PC focus, so it's not completely surprising that the console versions havent really been getting a ton of attention.

Keep in mind though that there have been previews/screenshots for the 360 version just not really any videos.

The PS3 version is coming two weeks after the 360 and PC version of the game so thats probably why they are waiting to show off that version of the game.

Hopefully we get a deeper look at the console...

5482d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment