CRank: 5Score: 7540

Absolutely Awesome

5045d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had the freezing issue early on because of the server connection issues but the servers are online now. The actual Game is an absolute dream well worth the 3 year plus wait IMO. Forza 3 is a beautiful and very worthwhile driving game that I still like and will still play but it just got it's ass well and truely walloped.

5054d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Taking advantage of the uneducated a bit like most of the Nintendo wii's games catelogue.

5106d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Firstplay actually want us to pay to see them get things wrong the co-op news is rubbish it's just been confirmed. Killzone 2 was a seriously poor game anyway and not having full campaign co-op on Killzone 3 keeps the 3rd one behind other leading titles on other consoles.

Sony exclusives like Uncharted, Uncharted 2 are the pinacle of console gaming but Killzone is a mismatched generic shooter that got too many things wrong last time so I won't waste my money on the...

5185d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The fact the PC version will have draconian DRM means I was defo looking at a console version of this and this is what I want to see motion controls used on, forget Mini sports games I want proper titles. Not being able to use kinect sitting down made me laugh a bit too much as well, nice way for microsoft to appeal to a disabled gamer.

5193d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

If you are a cheap, casual, mini gamer then console would be your choice.

If you are a higher class, hardcore gamer and want to play the stuff the console gamers are still waiting for (NVidia 3D Gaming already been mine for 7 months), DX 11 graphics, Mouse and Keyboard (Motion controls are just a way of emulating the pointer system of a mouse). The single largest gaming library known to man. The PC is untouchable and for the dedicated gamer the only choice. Plus HDMI ou...

5228d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Is the exclusive content a special day 1 patch that will let the game run online on PSN, I own both consoles (and a PC and wii) but I'm getting this on the 360 because PSN has been a joke on GTA IV, a joke on Battlefield Bad Company 2 and the biggest joke of all was Fifa 10 on PSN. Sony need to sort out it's online service or multi owners like me when given a choice will not buy the PS3 versions.

5247d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment

Every multiformat that has a PC version comes to my PC first, I waited 3 weeks for the PC version of Batman and wow it was well worth the wait. I've been loving Halo ODST on my 360 and I'm looking forward to Uncharted 2 on my PS3 but my PC gets the most games nothing on either console (Killzone 2 included) can touch ArmA 2 on full spec, Bioshock in GX 10 and Batman with the Phys X Effects on full.

5465d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Out of the 3 games MAG, Modern Warfare 2 and Battlefield BC 2, I will be only buying 2 of them and I'll be getting them on my PS3 as I prefer the pad for FPS games (when I'm not on the PC).

The one I won't be buying is MAG, I played the Beta and I just don't like the game, it looks last generation and the gameplay was a frag fest and goes a long way to explaining why FPS games with 256 players in them didn't exist before MAG.

Modern Warfare 2 will carry me throug...

5472d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you do get a PSP Go, you can only get your games from one place only, the PS Store. So Sony can pick it's own prices and has no competition. The PSP 3000 can have a 16 gb memory card giving it the same memory as the Go but with the option of buying games from more competitive outlets on UMD, you can also kiss goodbye to trading in old games to fund new purchases and picking up trade games cheaply. I would not touch a product like this in a million years. Downloadable content in the for...

5487d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Apologies to those outside of the UK who can't see the I Player video, next week when the show is actually on I will rip it onto You Tube so those of you interested outside of the UK get a chance to see it, I'll throw the link in my profile next thursday.

5491d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The 360 has made 3 'special' appearances on watchdog now, one for the RROD, one for the E74 error and then the best one was when they had people playing rock band and showing how the 360 draws crop circles on your disks if it suffers from 'atmospheric' vibrations, they put the 360 on a machine that shook it like an earthquake.

5492d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If they announce an extended warranty for sufferers of the YLOD on the PS3 then surely it is good news. Afterall the 360 fans have been waving their 3 year warranty's around as if they are something great for some time now, and anything that better protects the consumer - is good news.

5492d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm hoping it is good news, from what I have been reading it is mainly concerning the UK backwards compatible PS3 so hopefully Sony will announce an extended warranty.

5492d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The 360 has appeared 3 times on the Watchdog program now, the first regarding the RROD errors, the second for the EXX (number) errors and most recently they did a test on games like guitar hero and rock band being responsible for disk scratching. I just hope Sony's appearance could spell better news for an extended warranty for the 60gb owners.

5493d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I used the incorrect link sorry have done a new submission with the correct BBC link and credits please give me input on anything i get wrong I am a noob.

5493d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Are they from piraters who don't like being called criminals? Don't break the law then simple as!

5495d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had a friend I game with recently admit that he occasionally gets games off torrent sites, he says he only gets the poor onces that are not worth buying. Well if a game is worth playing and you want it you should pay for it, simple as. He is now deleted off my Xfire as I won't associate with a thief.

If you do pirate games, your responsible for honest people like me having to pay more for games to cover your theft, so thank you for being a dirty common robbing scumbag crimi...

5496d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

I'm not a Batman fan but I would bite of my own leg to get hold of this game on the PC now. I'm still playing the demo a few times a day trying to build up combo runs while watching my mates on PSN and Live hammer it.

5501d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Firstly I more then anybody want Cross game voice chat on my PS3, and if EA is holding it back then I'll vote with my wallet.

What I disagree with strongly is the sick vile images being linked up onto EA's website. EA I hope you take the IP addresses of anyone that shows an image like that and don't offer them a chance to boycott your products, ban their IP from all your servers and stop them going online with your games do us all a favour.

5508d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment