
CRank: 10Score: 123620

lol a petition for a game that was always coming to PC. Does anyone really think it wasn't?

3922d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

R.I.P a pioneer of the industry

3923d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

OMG Yes!

3923d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is what I've always liked about Sony, I've been playing games online before release date (sometimes up to 2 weeks) for nearly 4 years and never had a problem :)

3926d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This article has less cheats when this article was submitted, but it looks like they updated it because of the comment above yours lol

3926d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Please reveal THIS and The Last Guardian at TGS next week

3926d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Michael (the game character) reminds me of Sony's Jack Tretton

3927d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

If it comes out for PS4 within the next few months, I hope Rockstar allows those who bought the PS3 version...to upgrade to PS4 version for $9.99. Something that developers are doing these days

3927d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

You knew this article contained spoilers by the title and the video, and yet you chose to read the comments? stupid much?

3927d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

lol this happens after Michael smokes some weed and imagines these crazy aliens

3928d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Im guessing this is Microsoft's dumb terms of conditions. I've played numerous PS3 games while being online online way before release date....such as Black Ops 2, God of War 3, Uncharted 3, Starhawk etc up to 2 weeks before release and I've never been banned or got any warning.

3929d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

So it will be possible to buy Watch Dogs for PS4 3 days before the consoles release? Whats the point? Why not release it on the consoles release date?

3929d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Yeh but that was when Halo 4 was leaked all over the web, so many pirates were playing it. GTA V hasnt been leaked yet and anyone playing online with the game most likely owns a legit copy of the game.

3929d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just read this https://www.facebook.com/ha...
and this discussion is over

3930d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It is coming out 1 week before the PS4 in EU, which comes with Free Fifa 14...which is also a huge franchise over there and so it will sell. But it will only be available in 7 European countries and so the PS4 should sell more

3931d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment


3932d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Unless you buy the Japanese game, the dlc wont work

3934d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I didnt, I misread it...I thought it was about COD Black Ops II again, since they did the same thing with that game last year.

Anyways thats irrelevant to what I asked, I asked if Shopto will no longer sell GTA V due to this request by Rockstar

3937d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good news, but why on earth were they taken out in the first place? Im sure some sales were lost because of that

3937d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

I want to hear what Shopto.net has got to say about this, Activision also said that Black Ops 2 was to be shipped only 1 day before release, Shopto were not happy with this as it meant that there was a high chance that many would not get the game on release date and so they decided not to sell it.
I'll respect their decision if they decided not to go ahead with selling GTA V

edit: Article states "The issue of online retailers dispatching copies well in advan...

3937d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment