"War does not determine who is right, only who is left" - Bertrand Russell


CRank: 5Score: 12290

"Cheaply made pieces of shit

I am sorry dude, you probably never even touched the first Xbox One Elite Controller. You can argue all you want about pricing, whether it is worth it for you, etc. However, the thing is a damn solid controller and is only becoming better seemingly if they do not mess it up - which seems hard to do considering how well-made the first one was. The thing was more metal than plastic and quite light for what it was. All fi...

1927d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

It's really hard for me to decide!!! I just finished Sekiro and I am one ending away from platinuming Bloodborne. The Sekiro combat is no doubt the best as its the primary focus of course. The level designs of Sekiro are fantastic and remind me of Demon's Souls, but the setting of Bloodborne edges it out for me there. The music in Bloodborne I would say is imo better too but I still liked Sekiro's music - the composer did an interview with GameInformer I believe and said she found...

2002d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Absolutely not! That's like when people argue that a game should cost lower because it is only multiplayer or only singleplayer. The dev time put into it is not lowered by any chance, neither is the effort put into them! There are too many games to spend 100 hours in, so I'd rather spend my money on a quality 10 hour experience than a decent 100 hour game. Who knows, that 10 hour game could also have a lot of replay value too! Not every game needs to be like Destiny, Monster Hunter Wo...

2018d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I ended up putting way too much work into this lol. Sources are also below the text!

No need to peg these people down, they're doing what they obviously enjoy! I don't take esports seriously, but I see it the same way as I see regular sports. Both of which I don't really care too much about, but I understand why people get so into them because its fun for them to talk about the teams and the games!

As for -Foxtrot, people have been always comp...

2021d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Orphan was also my toughest fight in Bloodborne. I keep hearing people had the hardest time with Ludwig and I kinda feel happy I beat him on the first try! But also unhappy because I couldn't hear that BADASS theme more. Ludwig theme up there with the Final Boss!

2053d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

To be fair, Nintendo games can only be found on Nintendo consoles (not speaking about emulation, but their games in general). For me at least, it's had some more playtime than my PS4 in recent months. However, that's due to change with KH3 and RE2 Remake coming up soon of course. I just mostly either play on my PC though is the thing, so like you said, all subjective!

2071d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

This kind of complaint just makes me disappointed to see. It's the same complaint I hear from people who spend over a 100 hours on Monster Hunter World and say, "there's no content." Truthfully, it is the least amount of content in a Monster Hunter game recently, but that's because it is a new generation for the franchise! Even so, the amount of stuff you can do and how much support it has gotten is astounding. As for Destiny 2, I never really got into the game as I was ...

2073d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly, EA Star Wars Battlefront 1 & 2 are some of the most beautiful-looking games I have ever seen. The visuals, the sounds, everything about those aspects are really amazing. But the games themselves have never felt so hollow and soulless to me. The two games' betas were fun for like an hour or two, but never held onto me like the original Pandemic games. I even went back to see if it was nostalgia, but I ended up grabbing some friends and played them for a couple days - would pl...

2074d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I am absolutely loving this game! It's steadily becoming one of my favourite games this "generation." Only thing that kinda annoys me is some of the character designs being too fan-servicey for my taste (I am learning Japanese like anime and stuff, but I wish they toned it down with like Pyra - love Nia's design and accent though). Other than that, I absolutely love how much there is to do and the portable nature of Switch is letting me take advantage! Frames dip, but it mor...

2074d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nah, not anymore. Still strong and in high-tier but she is no longer the monster she once was - thankfully. Inkling, Chrom, Pikachu, Peach,Olimar, Yoshi, Marth, and a couple others I'm missing are considered top tier. All subject to change though as of launch. You picked a good one with DK, he's considered the best heavy by most of the pros apparently. I still rock with Ganon and learning to use Yoshi and DK. Maybe considering playing Inkling - not because of him/her being the top ch...

2089d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I need to get around to finishing this game, I believe I got stuck after (NO SPOILERS) probably one of the most emotional moments I had with gaming. I think the difficulty got the best of me since I did not play many JRPGs and I usually played most games on Hard because I am usually pretty decent at all types of games save for strategy and puzzle games. Looks like I had to add JRPGs (specifically) to the list as I had a hard time, but I LOVED the story and character-building! Also, the short ...

2100d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I absolutely believe this, I watch concurrent player numbers on Steam Charts ALL the time. I somehow find it interesting to see the popular titles, the averages of a sustaining community and how niche games compare to really popular ones. I also use it to determine if I will going into a healthy community.

2108d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have only seen negative and mixed reviews from some reviewers I follow, but I still want to play this game at some point. I really want to see another Darksiders title though, just to complete the franchise if they can manage it. It's good to hear that 71,000 copies were sold on Steam alone, it makes me hopeful for a 4th game. Darksiders 1 and 2 were great games with both good and bad parts, but it was clear the developers cared about the franchise. I was sad to see the less than great ...

2119d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is the last time I will be excited for a Bethesda game. Toddrolling Howard is great at presenting a dream and making people fall for it. In fact, when I was younger, I placed him as my favourite game creator (I mean in the likes of Miyamoto and such) because I loved Oblivion and Fallout 3. But the way he pitches these games always end up under delivering for me. I know some people like Fallout 76 and I honestly do not have an issue with that, but it's just the fact that the promise i...

2133d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I absolutely do not have a problem you are enjoying the game! You stick with what you like and don't be afraid to share it friend. The only issue I have for this game is why Bethesda delivered it with so many issues with bugs and glitches for you guys.
What I say below is a bit of a rant, I apologize for that.
Personally, I played the beta for around 15 hours (was given a pre-order code from a friend) by myself and with friends and I already had gotten my "fill"...

2133d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Oh how I am jealous that you are playing it for the first time... I just beat it and currently am platinuming it, just need to play one more run because that Pthumerian gold trophy was a PAIN to do!

2148d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I remember being downvoted quite a bit for mentioning that I would love a Pro patch for Bloodborne. Glad to see people are more open to it now. It would really benefit and enhance the experience as that is probably one of the only bad sides to the game. It's such a fantastic game that I wrote one of my course's papers on it and I almost have the Platinum besides finishing the game one more time! So many games out right now, but I may just rush the mandatory bosses to grab it. Anyway, ...

2165d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If someone can explain to me how a game needs to be price adjusted for missing a single-player component, then I would really like to hear it. I am not trying to say I don't want one or do not like single-player stuff, I just genuinely want to see why people see this. From what I see, singleplayer games (e.g., upcoming Sekiro which I am extremely excited for) should be price adjusted for not having any multiplayer at all like the previous Soulsborne games. I don't personally see eye t...

2171d ago 10 agree10 disagreeView comment

I like that they attempted to give player choice in their character, especially since it's becoming more of an RPG at this point. But I think that given the amount of time to develop (came out a year after Origins) and amount of resources needed to create well-fleshed character dialogues and interactions with all NPCs, they should have just stuck with either Kassandra or Alexios from the start. I mean, you can tell by the romances that feel pretty awkwardly done - not the homosexual love ...

2176d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had a GTX 970 (upgraded from 780 because the manufacturer replaced said they had no other 780 card) and recently got my RTX2080Ti. However, I think Lon3wolf is right also in getting a 1080Ti. I purchased it with the help of my brother so it didn't hit my wallet AS hard (split 50/50), but the RTX features are not out on most games I also justified the power increase because we are a couple generations behind, but the best choice for right now is still 1080Ti for function...

2180d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment