
CRank: 5Score: 4760

well done wayne kerr for spouting nonsense when its a known fact both batman games are superior on ps3, on topic ; the wii-u is a pos and for kids and i couldnt really care how bad it looks, heres hoping the wii-u sells worse than the gamecube fir the good of gaming.

4393d ago 7 agree14 disagreeView comment

hi n4g i haven't made a comment in a while but would like to say that the wii-u is a pos , thank you.

4393d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

xbox 360 incase people are wondering does well in the uk mainly due to having sky go , i even had to buy one cheap to use it as i get Sky sports free, 2 Kinect Games in top 10 tho.... facepalm

4422d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

According to who? any female gamer i have seen have been ultra casual , 5 mins on farmville is not a growing demographic, only girl i know who plays games plays wow uuugh, there are not alot of games to appeal to girls... cooking mama? hannah montana? :D

4422d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

Not sure why more 3DS are being sold than ps3/360 but anyways good numbers for the ps3 and for all the sales goons NPD doesnt equal the world.

4422d ago 16 agree20 disagreeView comment

This console deserves to fail hard and let's hope for the sake of the gaming industry that nintendo lose so much on this that they have to go third party like sega, that's the punishment they deserve for bringing the casual era, apple and kinect ect.. How many Mario games can they make? FFS people need to grow up, casuals will hopefully skip wii-u and the core gamers are screwed because nintendo don't care about core gamers one bit.

4428d ago 14 agree30 disagreeView comment

No thanks you say?

Ok so we keep taking all the causual shovelware brought about by nintendo and apple instead? no thanks id rather have proper games.

4485d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

Thats just Microsoft drivel designed for fools to think "oh ok if you say so microsoft it must be better with kinect" lol of course it isnt.

4485d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yay another halo......

4496d ago 3 agree22 disagreeView comment

Even tho i think ms might actually make a decent handheld if they did, i dont see them making one especially after w7p and zune.

4496d ago 11 agree9 disagreeView comment

I knew the vita would be good but i never thought it would turn out as good as it has, i honestly perfer it to my ps3 now, currently playing crushing mode in uncharted with custom soundtracks is awesome, having trophies on handheld games makes such a difference, also loving plants vs zombies (best version of the game overall and more modes) i cant wait for more fighters and rpg,s come out.

Shame sfxtekken is september on vita :/ and i really hope they give us vita owners a re...

4496d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Awesome controls, party chat, custom soundtracks, psn, trophies,awesome graphics,theres a few reasons.

4496d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oveerall the Vita is a far superior machine and the only game i would take from the 3ds library is resi revelations (although i believe it will ported) I would certainly advise people to choose the vita, Custom soundtracks, 8 people party chat, trophies (add to overall psn level=awesome) power and graphics, its the whole package

Theres just too many features not on the 3ds are on Vita.

4499d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

The common theme these days seems to be the better the device (assuming the wii-u has great graphics and proper third party support) the worse it sells, i am a regular gambler and i would bet massive money that wii-u wont sell as much as the wii or ds, oddly because it will be a better (but more expensive machine) people these days love "CHEAP" and thats not gonna change,

The wii from a techinal standpoint was a POS (anyone that disagree,s should bear in mind it had...

4499d ago 7 agree17 disagreeView comment

You get the opposite version free also so your getting two platinum trophy set for 6 euro..wow

4499d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Doubt it. It will sell roughly 20 million in lifetime. (Opinion)

Really? i highly doubt that, you do know monster hunter and cod are on the way (system sellers) i think it will pass 20million before its 2nd birthday.

4499d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

ios games were ok for me point and click , thats about it, why would you wanna play an ios game anyway when vita games have trophies?

4506d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Custom Soundtracks all games, psn, party chat, trophies, need i say more?

4506d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I cant see people getting bit multiplat hits like battlefield and cod and other online heavy games over playstation and xbox consoles, as currently (We have to see what nintendo network is like) so currently they will be just relying on a graphics upgrade in hope of selling the 3rd party games, also a big thing is nintendo platforms dont have trophys/achievements which is a big incentive for alot of gamers and will want the trophys+better online of the other two consoles, so i highly doubt in...

4506d ago 8 agree11 disagreeView comment

The fact is has custom soundtracks for all games alone is a reason im getting day 1.

4507d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment