CRank: 5Score: 4000

this dude get's all the chicks for sure.

5434d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

attitudes like this are the reason why American products are going down the drain. noooo turn 10 can't stand by it's product and let their work speak for itself instead they have to try to convince people to purchase their item by spreading cheap lies. do you ever hear of a japanese developer going to such lengths to edge out their competition. these guys are just puss**s who are truly afraid of competition and must not feel confident in their own work if they have shoot their months like ...

5472d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

You are right on with all your points. I don't understand the logic of the reviews given I've played the demo many many times and I still cannot find anything dissapointing. This game is truly epic, satisfying, fun and this is only based on 15 minutes of gameplay. I swear I'm excited to leave work no just to play the it again. To anyone being swayed by some of the negative statements mentioned about the game. DON'T believe it. This game will be one of the best gaming experiences you'v...

5702d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well look at it this way. That moment is considered one of the greatest moments in sports history. So if this game measures up to that moment in any way god help us all! Here's the full details:

"In the 1988 World Series against the Oakland Athletics, Gibson saw only a single plate appearance in the series, but it was one of the most memorable and oft-replayed in baseball history. Gibson had severely injured both legs during the League Championship Series and had a stomach...

5704d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

did you guys even bother to look at what gears of war 2 scored on ign. It got a 9.5 overall from the U.S, 8.9 from Aus, and 9.2 from the UK. Killzone right now has a 9.4 from the US and 9.0 from Aus. With 10s in the graphics department coming from the latter. The author of this article is a no name moron looking to get all you guys upset. I mean how many games released last year have a 9.0 and above average. Not many! The reviews that are coming are f*cking great at this point. W...

5715d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

are the articles about the online game play that is currently not working in gears of war 2? american business media should not be making any predictions right now given how they completely missed one of the greatest heist jobs done by our financial industries. these idiots were completely unaware of wall street basically screwing the american homeowner and the whole american financial system. yea you guys at the wall street journal and cnn money really now how to "foresee" thing...

5745d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

what a cheap and disgusting business move on microsoft's part. any true gamers supporting such sleazy tactics with the purchase of an xbox should be ashamed. this is capitalism at its worst

5745d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

are commenting on this and are saying some really smart things.

" As long as Sony remains a soft target it wil never go out of style. Never mind that the PSP has sold over 40 million units worldwide or that every major third-party developer still supports it. As long as journalists like Mike Smith need to generate hits they can cobble together a shallow, by-the-numbers doom-piece.

Of course you can't just blame the gaming outlets, gamers themselves have been (...

5746d ago 15 agree1 disagreeView comment

meh...i just have a perverse sense of humor and have fun in the open zone now and then. but just because i'm a weirdo doesn't mean i can't have thoughtful insight. that and my smearing is only to insult mr pp. the gaming world wouldn't miss him if he went away.

5759d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

seriously you guys will all going to be regretting the day if microsoft accomplishes what appears to be a complete annihilation of its competition. It's not really a surprise knowing that they've had a history of smearing the competition and monopolizing a market. nevertheless you can kiss innovation and pushing boundaries in gaming goodbye. microsoft and the xbox will be the walmart of gaming. cheap, quick, easy and catering to the ignorant and compulsive in our society. i just can't ...

5759d ago 13 agree2 disagreeView comment

pp stands for penis puller which is what he does for all his xbots. they sit around getting aroused by all the big burly men in gears of war and pp gives them a generous tug.

5759d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

how come you sound like a cross between a monkey and a retard when you type?

5759d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

hey pp or should i say "proud p*ssy". when's the last time you got laid? You wish you could have a shot at those teen boys on home to grope and whisper all your pro xbox nothings to. oh it makes you just droooool to know they're having soooo much fun without you.

5761d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


5761d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

when and someone goes to their local electronics store looking for a copy of Killzone 2 to play on their xbox the sales person will inform them of it being available only on the PS3 and pntentially get more sales for the console.

5765d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

and if it's all opinion these people should launch their own blog site where they can rant about personal preferences. This site is supposed to be a legitimate source for gaming journalism. That's the whole point of journalism, to stay unbiased and objective.

5770d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who the hell do these people writing the preview think they are??? Spouting off threats like, "it's a solid effort with some annoying glitches that could garner a B." What a pathetic joke. Since when are you the ultimate authority in what good gaming is that you act like some god wielding force that says pleasing you is the only thing that matters. You do a disservice to us all in gaming community with petty, biased, and non-informative commentary. Nothing about your preview is...

5770d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

good ol' pp or i mean to say p*nis puller. how many xbots did you j*rk off today??? Or did you just sit around stroking to the likes of your gay heroes marcus fenix, bill gates, and cliff bleszinski.

5772d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is F-cking hilarious. Looks like fun times. I can't wait for this.

5785d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

pen-s puller??? which is what you do for your fellow xbots.

5785d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment