
CRank: 5Score: 1410

Fanboys suck, let alone SONY Fanboys!! N4g has an army of them... They know who they all are. SONY doesn't need to advertise when there is such a strong density of SONY fanboys on the internet. This article does a good job on capturing the mindset of all the sony fanboys on n4g quite well. K177Z0N3 W177 OWN!!!!

5754d ago 17 agree1 disagreeView comment

PSN/XBLA should release Sonic CD!! It would be on the caliber of Capcom releasing Megaman 9 because It would be a brand new experience from a beloved franchise back in the day, for me and millions of gamers worldwide that thought the SEGA CD was garbage and not worth the money.

5755d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, Earth Worm Jim. Whatever happened to Interplay or that license for that matter. A filthy New-Gen Earth-Worm Jim would be great.

I want SONIC CD!! Sonic 3 was the best sonic game I've ever played but I've never played SONIC CD and would love for it to be released!! I hate how Sega forgets that one of their best sonic games supposedly was for an addon that nobody ever bought. SONIC CD on PSN and XBLA will get more sales than any Genesis released Sonic Game IMO and for ob...

5755d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He liked it. Big Deal!!

Ubisoft obviously had people like RKRigney as their intended target audience for this game.

As for me, I was hoping for something more.... hmmm... challenging and rewarding. Maybe Ubisoft will release a patch that took away Elika's saving ability like Bioshock's VITA-Chamber nonsense.

On a side note: Rejuvenating health is THE WORST THING TO HAPPEN TO FPS!!!! Don't care how unrealistic it is. I want to die when I suck bad...

5755d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I couldn't personally say Assassin's Creed looks better than Prince of Persia and vice versa. They both look incredible. What I can say about the new prince of persia was that there is no sense of anything in that game other than beauty. The game is fun and fun to look at. But that's it.

I felt way too invincible unfortunately. It made me really bitter thinking about how gaming has removed the punishment of performing poorly in videogames, only to make the game accessib...

5755d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

No Honest Mistake.

I wish people would stop shinning SONY as being an honest company with good values. SONY is not your best friend.

5757d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

You have perfect spelling Wolf873! Keep up the good work.

5758d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your spelling is great. Good job!!

5758d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hmm, Bioshock 2 TBA?

Bioshock 2 will hit "yet to be announced consoles" in fiscal 09. Interesting. Maybe $ony wrote them a big check and bribed them with their deep pockets.

5758d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This list was made short to completely mock Microsoft.

5758d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nathan Drake's comments are always lame.

State Taxes for DLC is ridiculous. Expect nothing to happen to taxing DLC in NYC.

5759d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Darkride you wish it were more than 7%. You should compare Microsoft's 7% down to other companies in today's financial times.

Microsoft wanted a cut of the pie and they got it. Not only that, they penetrated the MTV market and made a new generation associate the word "fun" with "microsoft," a boring office software company. I'm sure they care about losses from the xbox brand and subsidiary gaming division but they will make it back in time regardless of h...

5759d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Home = turtle reference made me laugh.

The good thing about Home now that it is somewhat released, is that it will only get better in time (where time is extremely vague). PS4 is where home will shine. Just you wait... XBLive and XBLA didn't hit its stride until this gen even though it started last gen.

5760d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

NAMCO never specified a date for this game to be released when it was known to be only-ps3, and before anyone knew the Xbox 360 would be having it either. How can you know it was pushed back when there was never indication or reference to a planned date to hit consoles? Perhaps their intention was to release in 2009 Q3 all along?

I don't ever remember Console and arcade versions of fighters ever being released simultaneously, or within a year of each other for that matter. O...

5761d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Whether Microsoft paid Namco or not, Xbox 360s are now getting more games for their system. I'd rather support a company whose system I play my games on fight for more game titles, than a company who sits on their hands all day and does nothing. MS this gen is the SONY of last gen.

And grow up to all of those who plan to boycott Namco for this. If these are the type of things make you upset in the world, then you all must have a pretty f-ing good life to have something like T...

5761d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

How is Tekken not a Mindless fighter??

5761d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't worry, Sony didn't specify when... they only said "in time" it will be a system seller.

That way fanboys will still always have that piece of knowledge from Sony to hold on too... They learned to be vague about and won't be accountable...

5761d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You are clearly Sony's target audience for Home. 15 Hours??

5761d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Absolutely. A PS3 version of Twisted Metal would cause and make heads turn. For such a fantastic franchise back in the day, Its shortcomings then are what I don't see as an obstacle by today's standards. PS3 has the best original IP's however going by an old and trust TM franchise might kick in the spurs. I agree with the article completely. That mushroom cloud poster got me excited the first time I saw it even though it was never confirmed I believe.

5764d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You got bubbles purely for dissing MS. Not for being neutral. Don't try to fit in. Be yourself

5764d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment