
CRank: 4Score: 37780

I love how the ps4 is getting games randomly like back in the ps1 and ps2 days :)

I love it!

2547d ago 14 agree1 disagreeView comment

Whats with the disagree's?

It's true the stock is up for NTDOY and I also buy in when it was 38.30.

ooohh unless the kids didn't understand that lol

2552d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

Nintendo is having a great run!

It is doing well with their console and NTDOY stock is up and doing better then SNE and MSFT

That says something :)

2552d ago 12 agree11 disagreeView comment

I have now bought myself a PRO to replace my Ps4

Got myself a Xbox one S not too long ago and the Switch on launch

will not be getting the X as I have said before :)

2556d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Xbox fans keeps saying wait and wait and wait...

Ps4 fans is getting and getting and getting...

When phil said at E3 2017 that he went to Japan and visited a game...I thought to myself...YES...then the trailer hits and I was like "huh" good game but comoooonnnn....!!!!!

same with the 22 exclusives...!!!!!

2559d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know they are interactive and are the same genre but to me I always feel its different with the telltale games :)

2559d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

then buy an xbox 360 LOL

2560d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

same with me and my brother but now he has a wife (shes not into gaming and she hates it) but luckily I have a bf who does play games (Sports and racing) but he tries to play other games with me (not very good but he will do haha)

I still would love couch co-op games, Loved Resistance, Halo, Gears, Timesplitters, Obscure and so on (the memories with my bro)

2560d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I myself think telltale games are in their own genres...I have never compared them to Heavy Rain and Until dawn

2560d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't long as it plays great and have a good story to it...then it will be a win win situation.

Aslong as Sony have other exclusives which all kind of gamers enjoy then it really don't matter if this turn out to be good.

Diversity in games is what Sony can bring

2560d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


I can afford it but I am not going to buy one...instead I buy myself a Ps4 Pro

Thank you

2561d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

goes both ways but atleast ps4 owners get the games

2561d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

All I see is the die hard xbox fans saying they wanted the beast...

But in their heart...they really don't but have nothing else to talk about so they have to follow...

I wanted games on my more 1st party games on my Xbox one S...SIMPLE!

2561d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment have to wait another 2-3 years for exclusives...while ps4 is getting exclusives from day one

Don't that just hit these Xbox only owners...

2563d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh wow I really never knew these games are...FIFA17 in native 4k!!!

Sorry PS4...looks like I will invest in a pro @D

2563d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

As I have thought...after the MS conference, Sony held back from E3 for their other conferences :)

2565d ago 41 agree7 disagreeView comment

Think it's because it was the other way around when MS was beating Ps3 a couple of years ago...

Now the Sony fans is just taking they have the "true" excuses to...look at the Xbox division...MS being MS...

It doesn't matter what you xbox only owners say about the X but to me I will just keep my S...

I still think MS put out the X due to the losing ground and they are trying to restart their console gene...

2565d ago 10 agree5 disagreeView comment

No...I am getting one too...had to pay $499 for it

2566d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

it would be the opposite if Xbox were the ones on top... lol

2567d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

When it started it was good..."22 exclusives for the xbox one console"!!!!!!! I was like damn!! Ps4 might have to up their game further!!

but then it went on and on...disappointed!

While yes the X has the power but...I rather keep the S...after the conference...

Crackdown 3...didn't show as much of it! where is the destructible buildings from that trailer!

2567d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment