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2916d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment xbox fanboys are also the same! Like this playstation fanboy!

@jmetalhead778121h, xDealtwithIt1h

Can't wait for gears 4 ...pre loading and waiting patiently

The only game I am excited about and plus scalebound.

And phil says that and I believe him, his a true gamer but Ms as a whole is a different story...but have to admit Sony Playstation takes that title as a great gaming brand.


2916d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

one of the best JRPG ever, I loved it and still do...I kept my copy even tho I don't have a 360 lol

2916d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"So sli works now ? Can I use gsync now ? Is dx 12 mode actually gonna have dx 12 features enabled ? Are drm caused stutters gone now ? Can I edit game files, config files etc? Are games like Forza horizon 3 going to come with multithreading features instead of shotty single core performance ? Are Xbox one PC ports gonna stop having cpu bottlenecks, which not even a Titan xp can fix ? "

I use steam but I am one of these who really don't...

2916d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

No, your comment is totally wrong...I pre-ordered Gears 4 on the PC but doesn't make me weak at all!

I see nothing wrong with the Windows store...and I am sure Gears 4 will be fine from the get go.

They learned from mistakes from earlier rush out xbox games going into the Windows store. (yes I call the earlier games rushed out due to the fact it was to get the Windows store going with the whole play anywhere idea)

and Yes Phil is r...

2916d ago 11 agree8 disagreeView comment

Just ignore this kid

2919d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment


Your pretty clueless...

2927d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Do you not understand...If all Xbox1 "EXCLUSIVES" are on the PC...then what are the reasons for a Xbox1? doesn't that kinda kill off the whole console gaming experience...might even kill off the Xbox brand ! lol

Xbox fans are very delusional!

2928d ago 16 agree4 disagreeView comment

~:( I wish Google Play Music will be on ps4...I have over 1000s music stored on it lol

2930d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lets get things straight...

Ps4 and Pro will not have UHD 4k Disc capability! and that's just that lol stop trying to make the ps4 (already a great gaming console) into something out of transformers!

I understand because most can't believe the Xbox Slim to have UHD 4K Disc drive and the Playstation 4 don't! but common it's getting silly to try to think otherwise...

For me I am not bothered by any of this UHD 4k stuff and...

2937d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I like it!

I preordered Gears because of the play anyway and in future I am sure I will get myself an Xbox one

Windows store isn't bad at all...well it's just there, a click away lol

2942d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hope so! following Gears 4 has got me excited which made me pre-ordered the digital version of the game for my laptop but it might also temp me on buying a xbox one!

so it shows the excitement !

2951d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Well I am using Windows 10 devices and it seems fine to me, I like Windows 10.

Even my tablet with 2gb ram handles Windows 10!

I do get some problems with Windows 10 (having trouble signing in after my surfacebook or pro 4 goes to sleep, ect ect) but bugs are bugs which will be fixed with updates.

Windows 10 to me is by far one of their best OS (based on home use)

2956d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

yep, love my surface pro 4 and surfacebook...the surfacebook is by far the best 2in1 in my mind

2972d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

If this is something like a surfacebook, main dock having it's own graphics then I am all for it, but then the pricing has to be right lol

Can't wait to see what the NX is, quite excited actually...since the n64 days!

2982d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment


2984d ago 8 agree8 disagreeView comment

Nice free games! Final Fantasy 13, Dead Rising 3, Halo Wars! I saw the title so I came in because this is f**king great! even if you think FF 13 is the worst game of the series!

3010d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is what happens when a game is rushed with little to small budget and small team

SE put all their efforts into FF15 which is understandable

But I will be buying Star Ocean because it's still a jrpg game :) and looking at all the doesn't look too bad to me. If I can play through the last Star Ocean games then I am sure I can play through this one lol

3010d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

well there are over hundreds or thousands of games out there like this but it is all good because we as gamers get the choice what to play or move on to.

I don't see this being a bad thing with games like this...if for example if we get 1 or 2 choice only then there is no future in gaming at all.

It doesn't matter if bad or good aslong as devs make games.

Money grabbing or not that is your choice to give them :)

3011d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well we all can agreed on power+games+exclusives will make people buy a console

Playstation 4 has all of that plus extra's

brand is also important but to some extent...gamers knows Sony will put out great stuff on the Playstation brand (not all of it is great but it's still out there for the Playstation owners)

We can expect more great stuff from the Playstation brand and knowing that, I am a happy Playstation 4 owner

3012d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment