
CRank: 5Score: 62490

So many things incorrect in a single article.

4238d ago 18 agree3 disagreeView comment

If the cost is the same then whats to worry? Its better they include it with every console from the beginning rather than release it down the line and invest money to support it, only to have it fall flat because not everyone has one. It makes for better integration and support, and turns it into something Sony doesnt have to worry about getting into people's houses separately, so they can focus better on their games. They're going to go for that market either way, but this is the bes...

4238d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Not like the PS3 was oozing with 3rd party exclusives. Oh Pachman.

4239d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Shows how weak 2012 was compared to what came before and whats to come this year. It was a nice year, but nothing compared to others.

4241d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

The investors, all these game companies teasing announcements for similar/same dates. Shuhei Yoshida retweeting this animated gif: http://i.minus.com/i1ot2q1b... , all the rumor/leaks coming from legit sources and so many other things that have happened within a WEEK. Thinking it wont be the PS4 at this point is a bit ridiculous.

4241d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

About the Telltale Walking Dead Comparison comment, the game was fine and all but I've found it easier to become emotionally invested in what little Ive seen of TLOU than the entire TWD series, simply cause of animation and visuals involved. At this point you might be thinking "OHMERGERD GRAPHICS IDIOT" but the point is the cartoonish animation, simple geometry and muddy shaders in telltales game made it difficult to become that invested in its events. And its cinematography cou...

4243d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment


4243d ago 55 agree6 disagreeView comment

Look man, you seem to have become all hot and bothered over my comment. But I live in the real world, where I can ask a regular gamer about Allstars or Sly 4 having come out and get a big derp back as an answer. Yes PSABR had its ads and the ads for the ads where Sony built up to the live action commercial, but if you hear people asking about where the ad support is isnt that a problem? The fact is television is still one of the biggest mainstream methods of advertisement and I saw not one co...

4243d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Playstation fans are hardcore and they do know whats coming, but that amount of gamers alone dont make up for the costs of developing a title. Theres plenty of hardcore gamers that dont spend that great an amount of time online learning about every game thats coming, and thats why amazing games like Starhawk didnt sell, because Starhawk isnt a game with a name that sells itself. You might like that they dont waste money on ads and put it towards more games, but how do you expect to have more ...

4243d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

The ending was the one thing in 3 that left me baffled. Terrible.

4243d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


I also found Killzone 3 to control better than 2, for me. And I am a fan, of all games in the series. So dont talk for KZ2 fans, with your made up stats -TEN TIMES!! -assuring that they wont buy 4, and assuring that the game will flop "HARD". So you wont buy it, well tough shit, the fans will still enjoy it while you live angrily.

4243d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Advertising for Christs sake. You'd think that after hearing your fanbase's outcry for years the situation would get better, not worse, and its gotten much worse. Im amazed at how sporadic their support has been for their exclusive titles. They've done well with some but then theres Starhawk, Twisted Metal, Allstars and Sly Cooper to name a recent one. I think Infamous 2 had to sell itself, I dont remember much support for that one either but my memory might be fading.

4243d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

we figured?

4244d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol work with Platinum. So Kratos can start triple flipping in midair and the absolute worst rock music can start playing while he's taking down an ogre. We dont need Kratos as another generic anime-style badass.

4245d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Here's your explanation: Its a video game. Even more so, its a Hollywood style title, where such elements such as suspension of disbelief and the need for quick pace are at play.

4251d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thank god you put the sarcasm tag, we were goin bananas trying to figure it all out!

4255d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment


Say! Murder isnt allowed in the comments section!

4258d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yangus Third Pounder

4263d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its a satire, its not like these news outlets produced or sponsored the production of the game to advertise their message to you. Even if it is a theme in the game, its more of an FU to the mainstream media, not an "injection", that would suggest that its qualities and themes are prominent pushed into your face as legitimate which is obviously not the case in DMC.

4265d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

2011's Uncharted 3?

4292d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment