
CRank: 5Score: 1640

Sorry dude if you offended, is not what I wanted.
As I pointed out that there are several fanboys backyard sites that try to pass off as unbiased.

However my criticism is on a different way that the two are compared, since both should have the same brightness to make a fair analysis, as in the analysis of GB. This video already gets it wrong to not put in the same circumstance putting in check this comparison.

2976d ago 32 agree14 disagreeView comment

This analysis is very strange and dubious.

To this stark difference in brightness on the Xbox (much lighter) than the PS4 (dark) where darkening of the sensation of politeness, which is not true in reality. Clearly someone did to highlight one over the other!

Not to mention that in the analysis of Gamebolt, already out here, the two are identical including brightness and graphics. And these small sites, no one guarantees that if it is the version of PS4 a...

2976d ago 63 agree26 disagreeView comment

This is certainly a limiting factor, especially living in small places and apartments etc.

2976d ago 18 agree16 disagreeView comment

Look, we have someone here who knows more Sony than herself.

If you look you will see that Sony reported that 78% of your profit comes from Playstation, that is more than ever it depends on the PS division gesture to fund other sectors.

Staying talking nonsense will not change the situation of the company.

2976d ago 19 agree40 disagreeView comment

day 2, if not mistaken, will update that releases the UWPs.

2977d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

The game is much lower compared to what was shown at E3 Sony on last year. And Much hype was created after that video, however it now seems even another game and this is certainly not good for the company.


That's your opinion, but it does not change the fact that the game is much lower than that shown above and that people were duped by something that will not be delivered.

2977d ago 8 agree48 disagreeView comment

I agree, looks dowgrade hard!
And Its was running on a NASA's PC when it was shown in the Sony conference.

Watchdogs its you?

2977d ago 12 agree45 disagreeView comment

I agree, when I'm busy hands can order voice commands without having control in hand. Or as stated above do good things fast and practical.

2977d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Having the emulator does not violate the law, since it is a free code and available in other store like Google play Apple store .
Soon if there was a problem the BigN would have barred these last two before.

2977d ago 20 agree4 disagreeView comment