CRank: 5Score: 390

You talk in tangents, but you can't refute the facts. The xbox is a hair dryer that can't be ignored even if you crank your speakers up to an unecessary level, the PS3 can improve on it's online service, point blank and period. But since you think you have a point loud cheaply made junk,

Lets talk at all the Hi Powered things in Life thats VERY quiet AND does Justice when it Performs:

A Mercedes Benz - Pwned 1
The Joint Strike Fighter - Pwned 2

6477d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Fanboys want to talk about hype and then generate it on an article using false and misleading statements.


6477d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If this game is nice, then watch it be short, or with fewer options then expected. That's why you only had three or four enemies on at a time with the gears of war game. And not too many with lost planet either, which was short as well. I'm not nostradamus, but if halo is looking nice, then watch it be a short game.

By the way, here's the article before the tweaking and hype from his own friend's site, downinfront

Any game that has halfway descent graphics on the 360 will be a short game...GoW syndrome

You can only squeeze so much crap on a regular dvd before it fills up.

6477d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

If this game is nice, then watch it be short, or with fewer options then expected. That's why you only had three or four enemies on at a time with the gears of war game. And not too many with lost planet either, which was short as well.

6477d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Instead of looking through the comments, the people should fact-check the stories and remove the ones that are commentaries and opinions; if not, this website will become the fox news of the gaming world.

6477d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Read this too:

I don't believe that HD-DVD is better than Blu-Ray because the professionals overwhelming approve and chose Blu-Ray over HD-DVD, so I can see that it's a quality over price battle, not a HD-DVD is better, and cheaper argurment. I'll take the professionals over some poster on a site any day.

I don't believe the xbox is ...

6477d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Guess who'll be trading in when this comes out?

$100 was worth it.

6479d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...So get a life, and sorry about lost planet sucking so hard with the controls and laughable storyline.

6483d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Sega Europe has launched the official website for Virtua Fighter 5, the highly anticipated beat 'em up for the PlayStation 3 and xbox 360."

Sounds like he listed both, so what's the prob? 'Cause he didn't list the 360 first and that he listed the PS3 period?

6483d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

...they don't realize that The adjustment reflects the difference between American Currency and Canadian currency. I live in Michigan, the only state that'll take their money, and crap.

6483d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...But they just should've had a recharger in the first place. The PS3's joystick is rechargeable, and It takes about a week to wear down, and about two hrs to recharge. I don't think that's bad at all. Even though I don't have a Wii, I hope you guys have good luck with the addition!

6483d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks like a game to be reckoned with...

6484d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've almost heard it all: Buy a 360 and Wii, the 360 is better, blah, blah, smackety-blah. These systems aren't even out past three years, and the PS3 is barely three months old, and for some reason, Xbox owners still persist to whail on it for having only one killer app! Well, after being out one year before the other systems, The 360 now has a whopping TWO killer apps. Feel good about that now? To be honest, Halo wasn't all that great. Gears looks great, but like I've heard in circles, the ...

6484d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Havok released a new games physics engine that will fully utilize the PS3 Cell Processer, and from what I read, that will boost it's processing capability from five to ten times, in theory. As it stood with the 4.0 release of the physics engine, the ps3 was comparable with a TRIPLE CORE engine, this upgrade will indeed help to make the gaming capabilities truly Next Gen.

6484d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment