CRank: 5Score: 250

I do remember a few years back getting FF8 and thinking to myself. bloody hell this is going to be amazing. 4 discs. Whoa now thats value for money.

But a decade and a bit later, you have a single disc which can hold so much data and doesn't scratch. Bluray disc is brilliant for gaming and for movies. Yeah Hd dvd was good but not as good. A bit like the old laser disc VS dvd battle. Not much of a battle really. I'm not saying Hd dvd were massive in actual size, just you...

5116d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


you absolute xboxfanboy. Go troll somewhere else. This guy is so Butthurt about anything good on PS3. I cant afford a 3D tv right now but I sure will be investing in one down the line. Anything which makes games fresh and developers on their toes is a BIG thumbs up from me. Cant wait to try KZ3. Not to mention FIFA11, Black Ops, GT5, Crysis 2, LBP2, Deadspace 2.

OHHHH I'm getting all giddy, I bloody love gaming

5116d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

jesus christ, shut the hell up with the you dont get to choose this and that.. who gives a rats arse. xbox owners love this game and now ps3 owners will get to love it too. Im gonna get this game 100% when it comes out on the ps3, yeah I would like to play the fist one when I can afford to get a new PC or xbox comes down in price but the facts are I will no doubt still love it if its as good as xbox owners have made out. lets just enjoy great games people

5153d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

why oh why do xbox fanboys keep this crap going, boo hoo it takes 30 mins to download, bolloc ks. like other people have said here we have only had three or four updates this year to make games run smoother and iron things out on a few games. I for one want to thank Sony for these updates and the fact that playing them online is free. my download speed is around 10meg. my ps is wireless and roughly get around 2 - 2.5meg download and never i repeat never does it take more than fifteen minute...

5162d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

absolutely gutted. just got this game today and told a mate 2 get it too. tried the online which is fine if its a bunch of mates playing, but try a ranked match, ( HOW U LEVEL UP, GET NEW SKINS/ CHARACTERS.) I dont think so. you basically have to be lucky as hell 2 get a ranked match. SEGA/ REBELLION wont be getting my money again thats 4 sure. I HATE YOU. SERIOUSLY HATE YOU.

5170d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think most people would agree, this game better not be anything like the first one on a console. because if it is its gonna fail hard. utter crap

5171d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment