CRank: 5Score: 6270

BioWare confirmed the game is only coming out for 360 and PC. Check it out:

5362d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Demon, you are the only one in here with any sense and the only one not bashing the opposing console. And look at those Disagrees. It shows that the majority of users here are really delusional. You know the PS3 fanboys have no real argument when they resort to petty insults like Xbot and flame the Xbox 360. Remember who's in dead last place this console generation? That's right, Sony. There's no way you can twist the facts. Not taking the Wii into account, the PS3 is last place in sal...

5362d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

The 360 outsold the PS3 13 months straight in the NPD and now the PS3 barely outsells the 360 for one month because it had a $100 price drop and the PS3 fanboys are ready to gloat. They must have pretty low expectations for PS3 sales for this to be any kind of victory.

Crushing defeat for 13 months and then one slight victory and they act like the PS3 is back on top. Well, actually they acted like the PS3 was on top for those 13 months of 360 domination as well. Delusional, eh...

5363d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

GT5 - Great graphics, good physics, okay gameplay, no customization
Forza 3 - Good graphics, great physics, great gameplay, great customization


GT4 - 89
Forza 2 - 90

GT5 - ?
Forza 3 - 93

GT5 Prologue - 80

5363d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh my God! No comments against the 360 in here! Incredible! This must be some kind of record for N4G. "Most Comments on One Article Without Any 360 Bashing"

5364d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

My God, PS3 fanboys are delusional. While 360 fanboys are actually playing games, PS3 fanboys are trolling the comment sections on Xbox 360 articles. They are sad, sad little peole and you have to feel sorry for them, even if you are on the opposing side.

5365d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


No, they couldn't be biased. :)

5365d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It would look a lot like Resistance or Killzone 2 as well.

5366d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Uncharted 2 only had 180,000 preorders when it was 3 weeks away from release like Forza 3 currently is. That's not a big difference, especially considering the fact that Forza 3 is a racing simulator while Uncharted 2 is an action/adventure/shooter game. You don't need me to tell you which if those genres is more popular.

In fact, Uncharted 2 is doing pretty damn poorly in preorders if it's that close to a game in a much less popular genre.

5366d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

If it was a PS3 list there would only be 1 exclusive (Killzone 2), and 14 multiplatforms.

5366d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You're joking, right? You PS3 fanboys are the ones who can't grasp reality. You act like your console is in first place, when in reality it is in dead last, behind the 360 by 7.5 million units with the worst game lineup and online service.

5367d ago 6 agree34 disagreeView comment

Not as delicious as those Final Fantasy and Metal Gear tears.

5367d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

That's what every company says in response to rumors. "We don't comment on rumors." It doesn't mean anything that they didn't deny the existence of a PS3 version.

5367d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

If MSNBC gave a 360 exclusive a 10/10, the PS3 fanboys would be saying, "LOL MSNBC, what do they know about video games?"

5367d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

EA Russia also lists Left 4 Dead 2 for the PS3 and not even for the PC.

5367d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Both Dead Rising and Condemned came out before the PS3 even released. That's the only reason they weren't on the PS3. And why are you PS3 owners so desperate for a 360 exclusive? I thought you guys had soooo many great exclusives and you didn't need the 360's "crappy" and "inferior" games.

5368d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Are you honestly that delusional that you believe Microsoft pays reviewers? Seriously? Do you just try to convince yourself that to make yourself feel better? I've never seen anyone say Sony paid reviewers for Uncharted 2 reviews or any other PS3 game for that matter.

Why can't you just accept that a 360 game is good? Every time a 360 game scores high, losers spout that Microsoft paid the reviewers, or the reviewers are biased, and then when a PS3 game gets a high score from ...

5369d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Jesus Christ! They gave it a f*cking 9.3 and they have to defend their review? Are you kidding me? How delusional are PS3 fanboys? A 9.3 is not a good enough score?

5369d ago 4 agree16 disagreeView comment

All 3 Forza games have a higher MetaCritic average than the most recent full installment in the GT series, GT4. Why do you expect any better from GT5?

5369d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Only in PlayStation land does last place mean first place.

5369d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment