
CRank: 5Score: 760


It may or may not be better than Halo, but unless it gets released on the 360 it has no chance to even come close to its (Halo 3's) sales.

6012d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Lighten up dude, it was a joke. PS3 attach rates being sucky and all.

6023d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Rockstar made a grave mistake in including GTA IV as a simultaneous multiplatform release."

Not if they want to sell more than 100,000 copies the first month.

6024d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The installation of software is one extra click. Not a big deal to me.

Vista takes a lot more resources to run well. My wife's laptop is much slower than my desktop eventhough she has a dual core too. The amount of RAM and the video card are important factors. Have you tried turning Aero off and see if the performance on your laptop is better? What's your Vista score? Mine's a 5.8. My wife's is a 2 because of the lack of a video card.

If I felt the need I ...

6025d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not sure I see why a mac is so much better. A friend of mine has one and I don't see it. It's nice, but nothing that special. Besides that the closed architecture really turns me off.

6025d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is it? I have Vista and it runs beautifully. I can't really compare it to XP because I built a new rig and put Vista on in, but my comp now is very fast, responds instantly, boots up fast and for 6 months hasn't had one tiny little problem. As far as speed goes, I bet DOS runs much faster than XP in a lot of benchmarks. There's an overhead price to pay for all the pretty graphics. Just as long as you have capable hardware to run, I think Vista (from my experience) is the best first build...

6025d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It appears the PS3 has some limitations as well. When can you guys stop this fanboy pissing match and just post news?

6026d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The only things Sony did wrong was delay the launch/increase the price to push their own BR technology and overhype the cell. In the end it may pay off, but for now it looks like a mistake.

6028d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

with all that XBox is still kicking the crap out of the PS3. Shows how far Sony has fallen in the console race.

6028d ago 6 agree13 disagreeView comment


As is stated in the article if you sit too close to the TV then you will probably be able to see a difference. There are standards for how far you should sit back from the TV for optimal viewing. For a 50" HDTV the distance is 6' or more. What you are ignoring are the limits to human vision. The human eye can distinguish two line pairs to a limit of 1.6 minute of arc. I can give you a reference on that if you want. I did the calculation and at 6' that correspo...

6029d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Guwapo, you're sitting 2 feet away from your computer monitor. People like to think they can tell a big difference between 1080p and 720p HDTVs but in reality our visual acuity runs out at around 720p at normal TV viewing distances. They may look better in the store when you're standing 3' away from them, but take them home and you'd not likely see much of a difference. I'll repost the link from the CNET review.

6029d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment