
CRank: 5Score: 22720

calling it the best battle-royale experience today and giving it a 9.5 with it only being out just a day, i think makes this review unbelievable. multiplayer games are carried by the community and gameplay.
just one day is too early to give it a score even if they had early acces majority of the people are just coming in give it at least a week of intensive play with the whole world.

2077d ago 16 agree6 disagreeView comment

ah okee i didn´t know.
only wrote what came to mind.

but what you said is that only for playstation or for xbox also?

because i really believed i could only be with one account in one place with my xbox

3943d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i believe you can only be logged in one place at a time.
if u log in at a lot of different places they will contact u or even maybe ban your account.
I think, not sure if i´m right.
but if you have a waterproof system with friends it maybe can be done.

but this what i think i never looked this up or anything.
there probably more things to it

3943d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i dont think so.
i´m silver member and i just downloaded the xbox live event app.
and it works it shows a countdown timer.
so i think it will work.
it would be pretty stupid from mircosoft if we needed gold for this.

4048d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

im not saying sony having intentions to do this.
but if the developers are seeing that there is more reveneu coming because of such a system in MS next console they are going to ask (demand) it from sony.
dont forget sony already have the patents for such a system.
im not trying to down play anyone i would hate it if its treu.
because now i buy a new game and i can play 3 games for the price of 1.
because of forums who let me trade my new game with othe...

4094d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

if the next xbox really doesnt let u play second hand games i can see sony doing the same.
not especially because sony wants it but because of the developers want it.
its all just going to be a little step for moving to full digital purchase.
if true of course.
but the hackers will always find a way too.

4094d ago 4 agree28 disagreeView comment

i too think there isnt going to be much difference tech wise.
but your implying that the 360 isnt having much exclusives.
im not saying it not true but at the start at this generation microsoft did alot of securing lots of different kinds of exclusives and even special deals with japanese developers to try and break trough there.
and i think that makes alot of sense to do in the beginning years of a generation and to take less risk at the end and just make what sells ...

4095d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

the 3rd reviewer also reviewed medal of honor warfighter an gave it a 5.5.

so by his standards bioshock infinite is a worse game then moh.


4096d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

maybe its this:

option 1: the booker we played lost his memory again like he did in the beginning of the game by traveling tru dimensions and only we know about it because we are the observers of the game

option 2: he would only turn in to comstock because of the events of the game if he wasn´t killed and losing half of the memories to make him in the comstock we kill

4097d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

dont know why you got a disagree.
maybe it isnt true but if it is true i would like to thank you.
i´ve being skipping all info on bioshock infinite since the first gameplay demo.

i want to experience everything by myself. hate to have some a-hole fuck it up by commenting such things.

4108d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i didnt read the article. im hyped for it but haven´t watched or read any info on this game since the first gameplay trailer/demo last year.

i want to experience everything when playing it myself. and it is hard for me to keep clear of all the media for this game. but thank god the wait is almost over.

hope it is as good as the first bioshock. but i have very good hopes on it and it could be even better based on that first gameplay.

4116d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i agree vanquish was getting hated for its lenght.
but that game was made perfect for multiple playthroughs on harder difficulty.
i got easy 60 hours out of it.
i loved it same with bayonetta great game

4147d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment


i find braid overrated.
it was a good game but not as great as lots of people claim. the art direction was good and all.
but i find the gameplay a little lacking.
i much more preferred viewtiful joe much more.
which is kinda similar with the time control only a different set up and much harder at times.
maybe it was just because i found it too easy to complete the game.
i dont know.
i did enjoy it but it w...

4173d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i enjoyed it too have more then 100 hours in it.
the story was okay gameplay was good it was only to linear until you would reach pulse.
but that was okay for me i needed that time to get to know the battle system anyway.

4181d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

wasn´t bomberman owned by hudson soft who went bankrupt?

4182d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@wigriff played blue dragon also but i disagree with it being the better one.
but that´s a my opinion.
i liked the story way better with lost odyssey.
gameplay is maybe better in blue dragon.
cant make a definitive decision on that.
they were both good but i can see one picking blue dragon over lost odyssey.
but personally i liked the feel of greatness of the combination of the short stories of the lead character past, the story of the worl...

4182d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

i just reply about this in a ni no kuni thread to guy who said he hasnt play a good JRPG since the ps2.

lost odyssey was so great loved the text stories and how they were set up with the sound and art. it worked so great.
the overall story was great also there´s still so much potential for a sequel. i would love it

4182d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

if u have a Xbox i would say u need to try lost odyssey.
i tought it was a great jrpg loved the stories in that game and it has the traditional set up off a jrpg.

if i had the money i would buy a ps3 just for ni no kuni alone i love studio ghibli and i loved the level 5 games on the ps 2.
ni no kuni looks great.

damn it i need to rob a bank

4182d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

wow where you from? germany?

4199d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


after some research i found out that you are right.
after last e3 i remember reading a article who said it was only reflections so i´ve always believed that and made me skeptical.
the demo of the e3 definitely sparked my interest.
now that i know its a co development with another studio (ubisoft montreal like u say who have some great some not so great titles).
i hope they can bring the best of each other studios together....

4199d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment