
CRank: 5Score: 2640

Modern Warfare 3 needs not to be released and not to be purchased. CoD is shit, fanboys and fools are keeping this shit franchise alive for no reason, its not a good game!?

And this is coming from a guy who played CoD since CoD1 and up til Black Ops. Since MW2 didn't have dedicated servers, it's true that CoD sucks.

4801d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


4801d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Hahaha, so hillarious this shit is. I simply just burst out laughing at all the peope who bougth Crysis 2. Graphic isn't better than Crysis 1 and gameplay is mediocre ripoff from BF:BC2 & MW2.

4801d ago 4 agree10 disagreeView comment

To be fairly honest, I respect the people who go to console because they think PC hardware is too expensive. I think so aswell, however I am fortunate enough to upgrade my PC whenever I want to for whatever reason I may have. It just annoys me when they settle for bad games made by lazy developers instead of making an uproar and actually do something.

Hopefully the masses on consoles will bring PC hardware manufacturers to shame and bring some sense into them lowering prices ...

4802d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

We just need more options to craft things! Different kinds of rock, wood & doors. We need polygon glasses instead of just squares ;(

4802d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Consoles are unimportant. They are finally getting the shorter end. I'm saying finally, because Consoles ruined so good franchies. Call of Duty became worse once it entered Console, Crysis became TRASH when it reached consoles & Bad Company was the worst Battlefield of all times, being a Console trashcan.

Infinity Ward went from making games to show off their skills, to make games to make sales. Treyarch never a good studio, World at War was good as a single-player ti...

4802d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Story is mediocre, Multiplayer isn't a major improvement. The only thing they did good compared to MW2 was giving dedicated servers, nothing else. Maps are worse, guns are unbalanced & killstreaks are even more overpowered than in MW2.

4802d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're right. The game is shit, why does anyone play or speak of it anymore?

CoD is a dump, hopefully even fanboys have seen this.

Battlefield 3 all the way!

4802d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I'm not a RP-dude, so I couldn't care less of the character stories, it's unimportant to anyone else than RP'ers :D

4802d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
4808d ago Show
4808d ago Show

That's not because of EA, that's because Bioware is a shit developer who only got praised cuz they worked a little magic with DA.

Stop blaming publishers, developers just suck when making sequals.

You see this with CoD, Crysis, Battlefield & Halo, just got worse.

4808d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

"Dumped down" or "consolised" means that you take a AAA product - Remove all the customization, reduce graphics and put in aim assist to make up for the lousy controller that Consoles uses.

Basically, you can take it as: Console players are bad, here is your kiddy version.

It's sad but true

4808d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment


You have no actual numbers if the profit margin is bigger, seeing as Steam(Valve) also takes a cut for their sales, however it's more convinient than shipping it to retail stores and Steam has a wider audience than local retails.

CryTek didn't let you "Taste Crysis". They took a PC success, remodeled their engine for console games. The PC version you will see are a console port with optimized graphics, this game was not build for PC bu...

4808d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

It is no longer PC that is the way the game is meant to be played, atleast for Crysis that is.

The CryTek 3 engine was rebuild to design the game for consoles. The PC version is just a port with better graphics, the gameplay isn't suited for PC and you can clearly feel this in the movement.

4808d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


4808d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


No, EA & Crytek aren't to blame. They run a business to make money, they go where the money is at - Consoles primarily.

The consoles are outdated and you cannot develop decent 2011 games on them, you couldn't even make decent 2009 games on a console, but since Console players aren't complaining, they don't care.

Console players who accept a shitty & buggy product are to blame, no one else.

4808d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Yes it's my opinion, but take a look at it, realisticly.

What amazing innovative content did NFS & Burnout bring into cargames?

Crysis sellouts and ruin the entire game by putting it onto consoles and then porting to PC. It's practically one of the worst shooters i've ever played, ever.

Fight Night is boring, dull and repetitive.

Unless you are ae console fag, you would say the same.

4808d ago 1 agree16 disagreeView comment

It's the exact same copies of PS3? Both videos shows "Press O to Crouch", and I am pretty sure Xbox360 doesn't have an O button.

4808d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

NFS & Shift are crap. Battlefield:BC is crap. Mirror's Edge was so bad they wouldn't put out a second, Fight Night is crap, MoH is even worse, Dragon Age is a shit game with shit content in a shitty sandbox adventure, Crysis are sellouts, console multifagss & Burnout is probably the worst car game ever made.

Other than that, yes, Dead Space, Mass Effect & SSX are pretty good.

4808d ago 1 agree23 disagreeView comment